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Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes <br />December !9, 2002 <br /> <br />Paae 7 <br /> <br />Industrial (GI). The petlbon is consistent with the Harrisburg Area <br />Land Use Plan of 1991, that this corndor be zoned for industrial <br />uses. Th~s area has always been zoned for industrial uses and <br />future plans also call for industrial uses The Autumn Ridge <br />Subdivision to the south of the property is separated by a 200-foot <br />right-of-way. Therefore staff Feels that it will not have an adverse <br />effect on that property and that development should continue to <br />Follow the Land Use Plan for that area and allow for industrial uses. <br />Staff recommends Petition C02-03(R) be approved. <br /> <br />Mr. Bailey Patrick. Applicant, addressed the Board stating Mr. <br />Leonard Sossamon is going to speak on their behalf. <br /> <br />Mr. Leonard Sossamon representing the petitioners addressed the <br />Board stating the piece of property is approximately 90.728 acres <br />and it is located on a major corridor, NC Highway 49. He said <br />under the county zoning ordinance, it establishes compatibility <br />between limited industrial uses as well as general Industrial uses. <br />They feel that it would not be incompatible to the existing industrial <br />uses to rezone the sub]ect property from Its current status of <br />limited industrial to general industrial. He said the 200 foot wide <br />southern railroad right-of-way helps to mitigate any adverse <br />circumstances that might occur. Mr. Sossamon said it was wise <br />when the county adopted the ordinance, the-atlas and soforth <br />establishing th~s corridor and adopting the Harrisburg Land Use <br />Plan. It recognized the fact that this is an industrial corridor and it <br />also contemplate_d that the corridor would continue to be used and <br />developed in the future He said their request is consistent w~th <br />that thinking. Mr. Sossamon said the adequate facilities or¢lnance <br />that the [3oard ]use discussed - water and sewer utilities are <br />avadable ~n the area. He sa~d they feel like for these reasons that it <br />~s appropriate for the Board to consider rezon~ng their property <br />from Limited Industrial (LI) to General Industrial (GI). Hr. <br />Sossamon said they appreciate staff's guidance ~n th,s process and <br />they do appreciate the Board's conslderabon of their efforts <br />tonight. <br /> <br />Mr Moore asked what ~s the intended use for this property. <br /> <br /> <br />