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Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes <br />December 19, 2002 Paoe 8 <br /> <br />Mr. Patrick said they have the property under contract to _Janet <br />Covey of Vera Star. They are in the auto auction business. He said <br />they met with the planning staff and asked what is an appropriate <br />zoning classification for th~s use. Mr. Patrick said they were <br />adwsed that general Industrial Is the appropriate use and that the <br />salvage category Is what allows that within general industrial. He <br />sa~d this ~s a straight rezon~ng and their ~ntenbons, ~f approved, <br />they will be under contract to sell the property to Vera Star. ff the <br />deal goes through they will develop ~t for an auto aucbon type <br />facdlty. <br /> <br />Mr. Dwe said he is in the salvage auto aucbon bus~ness h~mself. <br />He asked Mr. Koch would that be a confhct of interest. <br /> <br />Mr. R~chard Koch, Attorney for the Piann~ng and Zoning <br />Commission, sa~d to Mr. Drye that he is not in conflict to consider <br />this rezon~ng because he could potenbally be a compebtor. He sa~d <br />~f he feels uncomfodcable cons~denng th~s because of that, that <br />would be up to him. It would not create a conflict of interest. <br /> <br />The Chair asked Mr. Drye ~f he is asking to be recused from th~s <br />rezomng request. <br /> <br />Mr. Drye said yes. <br /> <br />The Chair asked would that do anything to the Board's voting. <br /> <br />Mr..~onathan Marshall, Planmng Director, addressed the Board <br />stating th~s ~s a straight rezoning. Even though you have asked <br />what that use is, you should cbnsT~Jar -~1 kf~E al§as <br />Industrial. Now that that specific use has come up, Hr. Drye has <br />exposed what could be a potential confhct and that ~s up to th~s <br />board. He said the Board would need to make a motion to excuse <br />him have that seconded and voted upon. Mr. Marshall said the <br />s~mpie majority wi[[ decide th~s motion one way or another on th~s. <br />A super majority wdl make your dec.sion final and that is greater <br />than 75% of the members present. Right now there are 8 <br />members so the super majority is 6 or more. Should you recuse <br />Mr. Dwe, ~t will still need at least 6 votes out of the 7 to have that <br /> <br /> <br />