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Planning and Zoning Commission M~nutes <br />December :19, 2002 <br /> <br />Paqe 9 <br /> <br />that super major~ty. Tf it ~s not and ~t ~s a simple major[b/one way <br />or another, then ~t wd] automatically go to the Board of <br />Commissioners at their _January 27th meeting. Tf ~t ~S a super <br />ma.lonb/w~th 6 or 7 votes for or against, then ~t would have to be <br />appealed to go on to the Board of Commissioners. <br /> <br />Mr. Hdl MOTIONED to recuse Hr. Drye, seconded by Hr. Griffin. <br />The vote was unammous. <br /> <br />The Chair opened the Public Hearing on Petition C02-03(R). <br /> <br />Mr. Maur~ce Ewing, Cabarrus Counb/ Economic Development, <br />addressed the Board stating he to woutc] support the rezon~ng to <br />general industrial. He sa~d there are 57 permitted uses as he <br />understands ~t. Hr. Ewmg sa~d he would suggest that the Board <br />m~ght want to consider restricting some of those uses on th~s <br />property. He sa~d there are s~x uses on th~s property that he would <br />suggest that the Board consider exempting from the rezoning <br />request. 1) Asphalt and/of concrete plants 2) Contractor's <br />storage yard. 3) Race complex, both ammal and mechamcal. 4) <br />Slaughter house/meat-packing plants. 5) Demoht~on landfills, <br />sanitary landfills. 6) Salvage yards, which of course impacts the <br />project that Mr. Patrick has before the Board. Hr. Ew~ng sa~d these <br />uses do not seem to h~m to be ~n keepmg-w~th the h~ghest and best <br />use for that property. Particularly w~th the 4 lanes on H~ghway 49 <br />and the construction of a new rad bridge across H~ghway 49 at the <br />Philip Horns spur, which wdl accommodate raft service to th~s <br />property at some point ~n the future. He sa~d that ~s his <br />recommendation and he would be happy to answer any questions <br />the Board m~ght have. <br /> <br />Ms. L~ngafelt sa~d she would like to add one more exemption to Hr. <br />Ewmg proposal and that ~s warehouse, volatde materials. She said <br />there is a residential development behind the 90 acres and that <br />could be a potential hazard in that area. <br /> <br />Mr. Lentz sa~d to the Board that th~ is a straight rezonmg. He sa~d <br />Mr. Ewmg has pointed out some uses to the Board that he feels <br />would not be appropriate on the site. Mr. Lentz sa~d unless the <br />petition was to be amended to a conditional use rezonlng, ~t ~s <br /> <br /> <br />