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Planning and Zoning Commission [Vhnutes <br />December 19, 2002 <br /> <br />Paqe l0 <br /> <br />either all the uses or none of the uses. He said the Board cannot <br />restrict those uses unless the apphcant would be willing to amend <br />their petlbon to a special use rezonlng, then they would have to <br />agree to the hst of uses that the Board might want to remove. <br /> <br />Hr. Patrick sa~d he would like to rem~nd the Board that he is in <br />commercial real estate and he does a lot of land brokerage and a <br />lot of industrial bus~ness. He said as far as the use restrictions, he <br />thinks in a nut shell Haunce has a vis.on for this property that <br />would bring in a high industrial, heavy manufacturing and high <br />paying jobs. Hr. Patrick sa~d from his perspective on the market <br />and seeing what is happemng w~th manufactunng mowng off shore <br />and the lack of industrial demand, he does not th~nk that Maurice <br />vis,on is reahsbc for th~s property. Hr. Patrick said when they met <br />wEh the staff they understood that it was a general rezomng. He <br />sa~d they were advised that they really should not do that. Mr. <br />Patrick sa~d the Board knows what their ~ntended use ~s. He sa~d ~f <br />the property do not sell to Vera Star, then they will fall back and <br />have the general ~ndustnal use and they will be happy to exclude <br />all of those uses that Maunce sa~d he d~d not hke and the other use <br />that was added, other than salvage. Mr. Patrick sa~d they need to <br />have the salvage because that is their whole purpose for being <br />here tonight. He said they feel hke ~t is a very consistent zoning <br />category for that area, they do not have to their knowledge any <br />neighborhood oppos~bon, they have staff support and they hope <br />they wdl have the Board's support. <br /> <br />Ns. bngafelt said she does not have a problem w~th the salvage <br />yard. She sa~d she agrees wEh some of the other restrictions and <br />her added restriction as well, <br /> <br />Mr. Hdl sa~d he only have one concern and that ~s the traffic on <br />Highway 49. He asked if there wdl be any turn lanes. <br /> <br />Mr. Patrick said they have not done a s~te plan yet to meet w~th <br />NCDOT. He said they ar~ working with the adjacent owner and <br />Stough Road dead end into H~ghway 49, Mr. Patrick sa~d their <br />intention ~s to work wEh the adjacent owner to extend that straight <br />across Highway 49. He said that would be privately funded by <br />them. <br /> <br /> <br />