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Paqe 13 <br /> <br />to the commencement of any land d~sturbmg act~wbes. 3} <br />Following approval of the final plans, flow acceptance must be <br />requested by the jurlsdicbon providing the retad sewer service <br />(Concord). '~) Road improvements made per NCDOT requirements. <br />$) The Emergency 911 Coordinator must approve subdivision and <br />street names. 6) Amembes m open space mu~t meet subdivision <br />requirements. 7) The developer must execute a consent <br />agreement with the Board of Commissioners. The developer has <br />submitted a letter to address the $500.00 per lot for school <br />~nadequacy. <br /> <br />Mr. Ben Johnson, Craft Development, addressed the Board stabng <br />th~s particular piece of property was (HDR) H~gh Density <br />Res~dentlal. He sa~d when they got the piece of property under <br />contract they had a deoslon to make. Mr..Johnson sa~d when they <br />came before the Board the first bme the Board's major problem <br />was about density, roads and schools. He said they made a <br />decision to go with a lower density than would be allowed. They <br />went back to a single-family type of product, Mr. Johnson said <br />they are not only going to be developing th~s property at th~s time, <br />they are going to be budding the houses on it also. He sa~d they <br />are asking the Board tomght for approval w~th the consent <br />agreement from the County Commissioners. <br /> <br />The Chair said as he has said r~any times before this one issue of <br />school adequacy makes a project just a httle blt pregnant and he <br />does not believe m a little pregnant. He sa~d it e~ther meet the <br />requirements or ~t doesn't. <br /> <br />Mr. Moore sa~d it is no different from any other condition that is <br />placed on there. Tf they do not meet that condition, then it is a no- <br />~o. <br /> <br />Mr, Johnson said they could do other things out there. He said <br />some apartment budders who wanted to buy the property have <br />contacted them. They decided that they wanted to be m _the <br />market w~th single-family houses. <br /> <br /> <br />