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Mr. Moore MOTIONED to approve Petition C02-08(S) wEh the <br />cond~tions as shown with the exception of condition seven being <br />changed as follows: The developer must execute a consent <br />agreement wEh the Board of Commissioners to address the school <br />inadequacy. Mr. H~ll seconded the motion. <br /> <br />The vote was 6 to 2. Mr. Benton, Mr. Griffin, Mr. H~ll, Ms. Lmgafelt, <br />Mr. Moore and Mr Moose m favor of the petition. Mr Drye and Mr. <br />Dw~gg~ns against the petEion. <br />Petition C02-08(S) Approved <br /> <br />Mr. Hill sa~d he would hke to suggest to staff when they break <br />these up to ut~hze the verbiage hereafter. <br /> <br />D~rector's Report <br /> <br />Mr. _lonathan B. Marshall, Planmng Services D~rector, addressed the Board <br />stating the Board is coming up on reappo~ntment t~me. The appointment will be <br />made ~n .lanuary and effective at the February 2003 meeting. There are five <br />vacancies. Two of those ~ncumbents are Mr. Drye and Mr. Moose and they have <br />been on the Board for six years and the Board's pohcy ~s you cannot serve longer <br />than six years. Mr. Drye has md~cated that he would llke to be considered for an <br />alternate, which we have done ~n the past. Mr. Marshall sa~d ~f ~t ~s the Board's <br />w~sh, he w~II pass th~s on to the Commissioners that Mr. Drye would like to be <br />considered for that slot. He sa~d there are actually two slots for alternates and ~f <br />Mr. Moose would hke the same, he w~ll pass that on also. Mr. Marshall sa~d <br />Eddie L~ttlefield who is another alternate has been appointed to another board. <br />He w~ll be resigning from th~s board as an alternate. <br /> <br />The Chair said without object~on he thinks ~t would be appropriate for the Board <br />to pass on to the Commtss~oners for consideration the appointment of Mr. Drye <br />and Mr. Moose as alternates. <br /> <br />Mr. Marshall sa~d we w~ll have two new full members to th~s board and we w~ll be <br />going through some training prior to the February meeting. All members are <br />welcome to a~end. He said as thb_ members need tt or ~f they want a specific <br />~tem of tra~mng or you have specific questions; lust contact our office. <br /> <br /> <br />