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APPENDIX B <br /> <br />PRETREATMENT. DAY-TO-DAY PROCEDURES <br /> <br />New Industry: <br /> · Municipality should notify WSACC of Prospective User <br /> · WSACC wilt provide User with Industrial Discharge Permit Application/Survey <br /> · WSACC wilt: Review application <br /> o Verify information provided via site inspection (if possible) <br /> o Calctilate limits and determine other requirements <br /> o Drai~industrial user pretreatment permit (IUP) <br /> o Send!altaR to municipality and request comments or concerns within 14 <br /> days- <br /> o Issue:IUP to User <br /> o Issue: Authorization to Construct to User for the construction of any <br /> pretreatment facility <br /> o Copy IUP to State, municipality, and WSACC Central Files <br /> <br />Existing Industry: <br /> · WSACC inspects annually to verify compliance with IUP, Sewer Use Ordinance <br /> (SUO) and :any other applicable standards and provide copy of report to <br /> municipality <br /> · Monitor effl~aent monthly, quarterly,, or daily <br /> o WSACC evaluates compliance with data collected <br /> o WSACC issues Notices of Noncompliance or Notices of Violation with <br /> possible civil penalties or other enforcement actions available to WSACC <br /> in thq SUO <br /> o Copy--municipality and WSACC Central Files of correspondence <br /> o Provide Industry with compliance calculations <br /> o Summarize data and noncompliance for the Pretreatment Annual Report <br /> required by the NPDES permit for submission to the State <br /> · WSACC shall require each Industry to submit a new Industrial Discharge Permit <br /> Application/~urvey every 5 years or as needed with plant expansions, change in <br /> operation or processes, and/or new ownership <br /> · WSACC will: Review application <br /> o Verify information provided via site inspection <br /> o Calculate limits and determine other requirements <br /> o Draft industrial user pretreatment permit (IUP) <br /> o Send-draft to municipality and request comments or concerns within 14 <br /> days_ <br /> o IssueqUP to User <br /> o Issue~ Authorization to Construct to User for the construction of any <br /> pretr~atment facility <br /> o Copy IUP to State, municipality, and WSACC Central Files <br /> <br /> <br />