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Law En[orcernent Officers (12 hour~hi[t) Schedule <br /> <br />Years o£ Alll~reeate Service <br />Less than 5 years <br />5 but less than lOyears <br />I0 but less than 15years <br />15 but less than 20years <br />20 years or more <br /> <br />itave Earned Biweekl}~ <br /> · s 13 minutes and 50 Seconds <br />4 ~rs 12 nunutes <br />4 ~rs 50 minutes and 45 seconds, <br />5l~.'s 29 minutes' and 32 seconds <br />6~'s 27 minutes' and 41 seconds <br /> <br />Hours Earned Yearly <br />84 hours, and 2 seconds <br />109 hours and 12 minutes' <br />125 hours 59 minutes and 49 seconds <br />142 hours and 48 minutes' and 6 seconds <br />168 hours and 4 seconds <br /> <br />Law Enforcement Officers (12 hour ~hift) Schedule B <br /> [ <br /> <br />Years of Aeeregate Service <br />Less than 2 years <br />2 but less than 5 years <br />5 but less than 10years <br />10 but less than 15 years <br />15 but less than 20years <br />20 years or more <br /> <br />.sve Earned BiweeklF <br /> 13 minutes and 50 seconds <br />3~'s 52 minutes and 36 seconds <br />4 I~rs 50 mmutes and 45 seconds <br />5h~_s 48 minutes and 55 seconds <br />6h~s 47 minutes and 4 seconds' <br />7h}s 45 minutes and 14 seconds <br /> <br />Leave Earned YearlF <br />84 hours and 2 seconds <br />lO0 hours 47 minutes and 51 seconds <br />125 hours' 59 minutes' and 49 seconds <br />151 hours' 12 minutes and 14 seconds <br />176 hours' 23 minutes and 45 seconds <br />201 hours' 36 minutes and I0 seconds <br /> <br />Annual leave credited to regular and j_robationary employees scheduled to work at least 1.000 hours dunng the calendar <br />year but fewer hours' than the basic w~rk week shall be determined in accordance with the formula set forth in Section 20 <br />of this Article. <br /> <br />Section 7. Annual Leave - Maximu~ Accumulation <br /> <br />A~ual leave may be accumulated wi~out any applicable ~ximum until December 31 of each calend~ year. However, <br />if an employee sep~ates ~om se~ico~ pa~ent for accumulated a~ual leave shall not exceed 240 ho~s (336 hems <br />....... ~or Emergency Medmal Se~ices Perso~el and 252 hours for law enforcement officers' working a 12 hour sh~ <br />schedule ). At ~e end of each benefit ~ear on December 31, any co~ employee wi~ accrued a~ual vacation leave <br />excess of 240 ho~s (or 336 and 252 ~ above ~ ..... :- *~ ...... cc ....... v xs~n:~.~ e .... :~ n ....... ~ ..... v: .... <br /> <br />......................... ~ ....... r ......... :~ .................. ~ conve~ed to sick leave. ~is conve~ed sick <br />leave s~ll be used in ~e same ~eias accrued sick leave and ~y be used for authored sick leave p~oses. ~d, <br />like regular sick leave, ~y unused co~e~ed sick leave ~y be co~ted toward creditable se~ice at re~ement up tca <br />max: ............................ /. ~. year 0. serv:ce, ~s regulated by the North Carohna Local Governmental <br />Employees' Retirement System or La~nforcement Officers'Benefit and Retirement Fund <br /> <br />Employees are cautioned not to <br />necessi~ of keeping all Co~ ~ncti~ns in operation, l~ge numbers of employees ca~ot be granted ~ual leave at any <br />one time. If an employee has excess l~w accumulation d~ng ~e ]aRer pa~ of ~e ye~ and is unable to t~e such leave <br />because of s~ffing de~nds, ~e emp~yee shall receive no special comideration eider in having a~ual leave scheduled <br />or ~ receiv~g any exception to ~e ~imm accumulation. <br /> <br />Section 8. Annual Leave - Previous I~eave Credit <br />Annual leave credit accumulated by c~h employee as of the adoption of this Personnel Ordinance shall be retained as of <br />the effective date of this Ordinance. <br /> <br />Section 9. Annual Leave - Approvalf~Vlanner of Taking Leave <br />Annual leave earned by an employee s~iall be taken only upon prior approval of the immediate supervisor or department <br />head. <br /> <br /> ! <br />Section 10. Annual Leave - TerminallPay and Repayment of Annual Leave <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br /> <br />