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Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes <br />December 18, 1997 <br /> <br />Page 12 <br /> <br />Applicant. 'First Union National Bank, Trustee <br />Request:. Zoning. Atlas Amendment <br /> <br />This was a request to the Cabarrus County Planning and Zoning <br />Commission from--Fi~-st Union-National--Bank~- Trustee .to have-their- <br />property located on the west side of Derita Road be..tween Poplar <br />Tent and the southern boundary of the Motley property <br />(aPproximately 1,000 feet north of the Rocky River), rezoned from <br />Medium Density Residential to General Industrial Special Use, to <br />create an industrial park adjacent to the Concord Regional Airport.' <br /> <br />The Chair said anyone that wishes to speak to please come forward <br />and be sworn. The Chair then swore in everyone who Wanted to <br />speak. <br /> <br /> Mr. Jonathan B. Marshall; Director, addressed the Board presenting <br /> Petition 97-19 .and Staff Analysis stating for the purpose of clarity, <br /> he is going through the staff report and some of the information <br /> passed on to the Board. He said it Would .be probably wise to have <br /> the petitioners and the different people who want to speak for the <br /> petitioners to address the Board since it is a special use.' I-Ie said <br /> they do have a concept plan that goes with this and he thinks this <br /> would help ..ff that is introduced before we begin the general. <br /> comments. <br /> <br /> · :' ~.. <br /> <br />Mr. Marshall said the petitioners in this case are the. First. Unioz~. <br />Nation Bank aS a Trustee,-Hoyle Morley, Jennifer Renee Mofle~ <br />Michael & Suzanne Morley, Ralph & Margie Bonds, FIoyle <br />Nancy Holland, Edwin & Edna Starnes, and Buren Efird. They are <br />requesting that this be rezoned from Medium Density Residential <br />-and Limited Industrial to a General Industrial Special Use. He said <br />Mr. Hoyle Motley is requesting that on his parcel that his rights for <br />six residen.tiat units 'be vested. Mr. Marshall said-as you consider <br />any motion on .this you should remember to keep that in mind.. <br />The purpose is to create an industrial park adjacent to the Concord <br />Regional Airport I-Ie then went through the Staff Analysis with <br />the Board. As he went. through the maps, he went through some of <br />the area relationships, the zoning in the surrounding areas, and <br />some of the adjacent uses.' Mr. Marshall said in looking at some <br />the code considerations, again, this is a special use rezoning. As a <br /> <br /> <br />