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the county an average of $65.00 per day to incarcerate an individual. To incarcerate figceen (I 5) <br />non-custodial parents for thirty (30) days each would cost Cabarrus County $ 29,250.00. The <br />n/ne-hundred and fourteen (914) hours of community service performed by the fifteen (15) <br />individuals when valued at a custodian's wage of $7.94 per hour amounts to $ 7,257.16. These <br />three figures added together, the savings of the Child Support Agent's time, the savings of <br />incarceration and the value of service rendered that the County would otherwise have paid for, <br />brings the savings to the County of $ 37,158.36 in the last three months of 2000 when the <br />project was implemented. Using the savings figure for the three-month period, resutts in a <br />projected annual savings of $148,633.44 for Cabarrus County. <br /> <br /> The impact of the project is that it made available over thirty seven thousand dollars <br /> <br />($ 37,000) to the county to use that would not have been available if the normal procedure of <br />incarceration of delinquent non-custodial parents would have continued to be implemented. <br />Also, the time saved for the Child Support Agents amounts to thirty eight (38) man hours <br />available to enforce other cases. Another impact is the effect that offering the alternative to <br />incarceration had on the attitudes and the behavior of the non-custodial parents. There have been <br />several cases where the parent is now working regularly and paying the ordered support on a <br />consistent basis which makes it much easier for the custodial parent to budget and provide for the <br />needs of the child. Finally, community agencies, local governments, schools, and parks have and <br />will continue to derive a financial benefit from The Side by Side Project. <br /> <br />3 Attachments in support of Side By Side <br /> <br /> D,,por-tmcnl'. of Social $¢wices <br />1303 5outh Cannon Blvd. Kannc~polis, NC 28083 C704) 920-1400 <br /> <br /> <br />