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;tatement of the Problem: [n concise ter{ninj~logy, describetthe juvenilejustice problem the program <br /> ntends to address. <br /> 4. few years ago, the State legislature enacted major revisions to the Juvenile <br /> Code to address increases in serious and/or violent juvenile offenses, many <br /> being committed by much younger youth than ever before. Changes were made <br /> with regard to status offenses, emphasizing parental responsibility & more <br /> serious sanctions than before for such behaviors. With these changes came a <br /> focus on the use of community-based resources to deal with status offenses & <br /> the less serious delinquent offenses. Teen Court, hereafter "TC", is a such <br /> a resource being offered by the Cabarrus County Mediation Center, Inc. <br /> Program Goal: State the effect that the program is designed to have on solving the problem described <br /> above. <br /> Goals of TC: to offer alternative resources to the use of the traditional <br />juvenile court system in order to prevent referred youth from becoming in- <br />volved in the system; for those already involved at the intake or pre-adjud. <br /> level due to certain types of misdemeanors or truancy, to intervene in order <br /> to prevent further involvement; to use positive peer pressure & personal re- <br />sponsibility to hold youth accountable for their actions; to affect changes in <br />attitudes/behaviors to enhance & promote family & community harmony while en- <br />couraging referred and/or volunteer youth to become involved in the community. <br />Target Population: Describe the target population and the steps that the program has taken to insure that <br />: the target population is served. <br />Youth who are between the ages of I1 & 16 who have committed certain types of <br />misdemeanors or have exhibited truant behaviors, thereby putting themselves at <br />risk of either first-time involvement with the juvenile court system or becom- <br />ming further involved ifofficially petitioned for such behaviors. As TC does <br />not work with chronic offenders or those who have committed the more serious <br />types of offenses, the focus is on the types of behaviors which are often pre- <br />cursors to these types of behaviors: truancy; simple assualt; simple affray; <br />misdemeanor larceny; shoplifting; & communicating threats. <br />Measurable Objective(s): State in measurable terms the intended effect of the program on specific <br />undisciplined and/or delinquent behaviors. At a minimum, state anticipated reductions in court referrals, <br />runaway behavior, disruptive behavior at school, anticipated improved school attendance and academic <br />achievement. <br />Teen Court has the following numeric & measurable objectives for FY 00/00h <br />O1:48 youth referred; 40 accepted; 34 successful completion. "Succesful" <br />not only be in TC sentence completion but for those involved, a reduction or <br />elimination of at least 75% in: court referrals; disruptive home, school, & <br />community behaviors. 02: Offer referred youth & youth volunteers oppor- <br />tunities to be involved in the community & to have a positive influence upon <br />each other. TC will: maintain 50 or > youth volunteers; 15% of referred <br />youth to remain on as volunteers for 2 or > TC sessions. 03: Offer TC as a re- <br />source to: OJJ/Juv. C~. (60 Yo); law enforcement (20 'A); schools (20 Yo). <br />Information Maintained for Effectiveness Measurement: List the data elements and records the <br />program will maintain to document its effectiveness. <br />Daily tasks of TC are performed by the TC Coordinator (TCC) who maintains in- <br />dividual case files & other information including; referral forms & logs; re- <br />lease forms; interview assessment forms; rules of TC & participation agree- <br />men[s; explanation of community service requirements; liability waivers; <br />reports of community service placements/performance; TC sentencing condi- <br />tions/ienth of sentences; written sentence explantions to youth & parent(s)/ <br />/custodian(s); youth & family contact sheets; sentence compliance/termination <br />log; notices of program progress & termination to referral sources & youth & <br /> mrents/custodian(s); exit interviews; required funding/statistical reports. <br /> <br /> <br />