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Statement of the Problem: In concise terminology, describe thejtcvenilejustice problem the program <br />intends to address, ~g 6/JL. Id/-. 0_~0t, lA. J2>O/~/q~''' <br />It is apparent to persons who work with troubled youth that often there are <br />problems at home which may be contribute to the negative behaviors & atti- <br />tudes being exibited & that these behaviors & attitudes often exacerbate <br />dysfunctional home situations. These negative family situations often appear <br />to be like "vicious cycles". Often the major contributing factors in these <br />types of family situations are: a lack of communication skills; unclear <br />boundaries; an inability to understand another person's feelings & needs; a <br />lack of setting clear & obtainable goals; & a need for support/validation. <br />Program Goal: State the effect that the program is designed to have on solving the problem described <br />above. <br />Goals of RESOLVE: to offer an alternative resource to the community for deal- <br />ing with families in distress where there is n youth residing in the home & <br />the youth is exibiting negative behaviors & attitudes which put him/her in <br />danger of either beeoing involved with the Juvenile Court system or further <br />involved. To do so by the use of an educational 8-week lifeskills curriculum <br />to help youth to accept responsibility for their actions, to affect changes in <br />attitudesPoehaviors to enhance & promote family & community harmony, while en- <br />couraging referred youth & volunteer youth to become involved in the community. <br />Target Population: Describe the target population and the steps that the program has taken to insure that <br />the target population is served <br />Youth who are between the ages of II & 16 who have committed certain types of <br />misdemeanors or have exhibited "undisciplined" behoviors such as truancy, run- <br />ning away, disobedience toward parrent(s)/custodian(s), thereby putting them- <br />selves at risk of either first-time involvement with the Juvenile Court system <br />or becoming further involved. The focus is on the types of behaviors which <br />are often precursors to more serious delinquent behaviors: truancy, trespass; <br />simple assault, simple affray, misdemeanor larceny, & communicating threats. <br /> <br />Measurable Objective(s): State in measurable terms the intended effect of the program on spec~c <br />undisciplined and/or delinquent behaviors. At a minimum, state anticipated reductions in court referrals, <br />runaway behavior, disruptive behavior at school, anticipated improved school attendance and academic <br />achievement. <br />RESOLVE has the following measurable objectives forFY <br />O1:26 youth referred; 24 accepted; & 20 successful completions. "Succesful" <br />for not only RESOLVE completion but for those involved, a reduction or er~mi- <br />nation of at least 75% in: court referrals; disruptive home, school, & commun- <br />nity behaviors for 1 year after completion. At least 60% of RESOLVE classes <br />will be TC referred youth. Other youth may be referred by: DSS, school <br />staff, & other public service or counseling-related agencies. The CCMC <br />may offer several public offerings of this curriculum which may not include TC <br />youth, but will supplement the TC budget with a portion of any fees. <br />Information Maintained for Effectiveness Measurement: List the data elements and records the <br />program will maintain to document its effectiveness. <br />The TC & RESOLVE Coordinator will perform the daily tasks of RESOLVE and will <br />maintain: referral forms & logs; pre-program & post-program assessment forms; <br />attendance & participation information; referrals to other agencies; certifi- <br />cates of completion; letters of completion & termination to referral sources; <br />and required funding & statistical reports, including Client Tracldng Forms. <br /> <br /> <br />