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Statement of the Problem: In concise terminology, describe tbejuvenilejustice problem the program <br />intends to address. ~. ~t~JOvt~l L ~ ~L~I~ ~-i~J Ol',J ' <br />It is apparent to persons who work with troubled youth that often there are <br />behaviors which are precursors to the commission of delinquent juvenile <br />offenses. As many studies have shown, one of these precursors is truancy. <br />The CCMC will offer Truancy Mediation as a resource to the community for deal- <br />ing with youth who are exhibiting truant behavior. <br /> <br />Program Goal: State the effect that the program is designed to have on solving the problem described <br />above. <br />Goals of Truancy Mediation: to offer an alternative to the community <br />for dealing with truant youth so as not to involve or further involve these <br />youth in the traditional Juvenile Court system; to use trained staff& <br />volunteer mediators to perform these services; to offer these services to the <br />O J J, Juvenile Court, and officials of both school systems. <br /> <br />Target Population: Describe the target population and th~-steps that the pt;ogram has taken to insure that <br />the target population is served. <br />Youth who are between the ages of 11 & 16 (includes students in grades 5 & up) <br />who have become truant from school & are in danger of failure from school <br />and/or petitioning by the Court for such behavior. See A # 4 which explains <br />who may be referred to Truancy Mediation & both the referral & the mediation <br />process. <br /> <br />Measurable Objective(s): State in measurable terms the intended effect of the program on specific <br />undisciplined and/or delinquent behaviors, At a minimum, state anticipated reductions in court referrals, <br />runaway behavior, disruptive behavior at school, anticipated improved school attendance and academic <br />achievement. <br />Truancy Mediati on ( numeric & measurable objectives for FY 00/001: <br />O1:30 youth referred; 24 accepted; 20 successful completions. <br />02: "Succesful" not only in terms of improved school attendance <br />but for those involved, a reduction or elimination of at least 75% <br />in court referrals. <br />03: Due to imporved attendance, significant improvements in academic <br />performance. <br /> <br />Information Maintained for Effectiveness Measurement: List the data elements and records the <br />program will maintain to document its effectiveness. <br />The Adult & Youth Mediation Services Coordinator will perform the daily tasks <br />involved in Truancy Mediation. The Coordinator will: screen referrals; main- <br />tain mediation case files; assist in the training of volunteer mediators; co- <br />mediate or mediate as is appropriate to the situation; maintain volunteer in- <br />formation; have followup contact with the referral sources & referred youth as <br />outlined in A//4; send notices of agreement compliance to the referral <br />sources & to the youth & parent(s)/custodian(s); make & maintain copies of <br />referrals to other agencies; and complete & maintain all required funding & <br />statistical reports. <br /> <br /> <br />