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Briefly describe what the program expects to ach£eve and why. The narrat&e should address each of the <br />items (1) Identify the staff and their responsibilities to the program, (2~ describe the physical facilities in <br />which the services will be delivered, (3) discuss any areas of concern that could affect the success of the <br />program (4) discuss why' these resources used in the manner described should be. expected to alter <br />inappropriate behavior, (5,) describe the referral, screening and admission procedures, (6J describe the <br />means of working with youth and families, (7) describe the daily program activities and, (8} describe the <br />termination procedures and (9J interaction with juvenile court. <br /> Re: Component Narrative for Teen Court (hereafter referred to as TC) <br /> I) Staff involved with TC are/will be: CCMC Exec. Director who: oversees all <br /> CCMC services; tracks funds; reports to CCMC BO. & to funding sources; pro- <br /> motes all services/programs. The TC & RESOLVE Coordinator performs the daily <br /> tasks of TC: evaluates referrals; interviews & assesses referred youth & cus- <br /> todians, explians the rules of TC; schedules hearings; assigns hearing tasks <br /> for youth & adult volunteers; supervises TC hearings; explains & monitors <br /> sentence compliance; assigns community service placements; reports progress to <br /> referral sources; performs exit interviews on terminated cases; maintains case <br /> files & statistical reports; promotes TC within the community; & will coordi- <br /> nate RESOLVE (See separate component narrative). <br />12) CCMC is located at 24 Cabarrus Ave. in Concord, NC. There are several <br />;offices & conference rooms. The Coordinator conducts client interviews & does <br />most TC tasks there. TC sessions are held at the Cabarrus Co. Governmental <br />Center. Community service hours are performed at the worksites. See A # 2. <br />3) There is a need to increase the number of referrals from law enforcement & <br />school officials, although several have involved School Resource Officers <br />since TC began. For FY 2000/2001, there will be heavy emphasis placed upon <br />program promotion to law enforcement officers (non-SRO's) & with middle & <br />high school principals who appear to prefer that SRO's make referrals. The TC <br />Coordinator has worked diligently to build a good working relationship with <br />the OJJ Intake Court Counselor resulting in a significant increase in the <br />number of referrals comparing 1st quarter of 2000 with the 1999 referral rate. <br />4) Refer to the NC OJJ Office Client Tracking Reports for FY 98/99 & for <br />7/1/99-12/31/99. Teen Court has already been proven effective in altering <br />inappropriate behavior in Cabarrus County, in other counties, and in similar <br />programs across the country. <br />5) Referrals come from O J J, other Juv. Ct. officials, law enforcement offi- <br />cers, & school officials such as principals/asst, principals using a written <br />form. Youth may be referred for offenses such as: simple assault; simple <br />affray; trespass; com. threats; misd. larceny; truancy, etc. They must not be <br />on or have been on probation. School enrollment is required. They must <br />attend an interview with parent(s)/custodian(s) & admit responsibility for <br />their behavior. They & their parent(s)/custodian(s) must agree to the rules. <br />6) The TC Coordinator works closely with referred youth & their families, <br />especially the parents/custodians. At the initial assessment interview, the <br />Coordinator asks questions designed to help determine if referrals to other <br />agencies are needed and will assess the families need for RESOLVE services. <br />7) Refer to #1 above which states most of the day-to-day program activities. <br />In addition, there is much paperwork & record maintenance involved as is <br />described below. The Coordinator does attempt to keep comtact with the <br />referred youth & parents/custodians either by phone, letter, or face-to-face <br />8) Referral sources & referrd youth & parent(s)/custodian(s) are notified in <br />writing of termination & an exit interview is performed on successful cases. <br />9) The TC Coordinator has very frequent contact by phone & mail with OJJ. <br /> <br />4(~) <br /> <br /> <br />