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Briefly describe what the program expects to achieve and why. The narrative should address each qf the <br />items (l) Identify the staff and their responsibilities to the program, (2) describe the physical facilities in <br />which the services will be delivered, (3) discuss any areas of concern that could affect the success of the <br />program (4) discuss why these resources used in the manner described should be expected to alter <br />inappropriate behavior, (5) describe the referral, screening and admission procedures, (6) describe the <br />means of working with youth and families, (7) describe the daily program activities and, (8) describe the <br />termination procedures and (9) interaction with juvenile court. <br />~ative for RESOLVE: <br />1) Staffinvolved with RESOLVE will be: CCMC Exec. Director who: oversees ali <br />CCMC services; tracks funds; reports to CCMC Bd. & to funding sources; pro- <br />motes all services/programs. The TC & RESOLVE Coordinator will perform daily <br />program tasks: evaluate referrals; interview/assess referred youth/custodians; <br />explain rules of RESOLVE; schedule classes; schedule RESOLVE facilitators; <br />prepare the classrooms; prepare handouts & graphics; assist the facilitators; <br />keep track of attendance; prepare for graduation ceremony & eertieieates; re- <br />port progress to referral sources; evaluate for TC compliance, if applicable; <br />perform exit interview on closed cases; maintain case files/statistical info; <br />complete required reports; promote RESOLVE within the community. <br />2) CCMC is located at 24 Cabarrus Ave. in Concord, NC, There are several <br />offices & conference rooms. The Coordinator will conduct most of the RESOLVE <br />tasks there. Classes will be held at the CCMC, contingent upon class partici- <br />pant size. The number of youth will be limited to 10 with up to 2 family mem- <br />bers per youth also participating, those being custodian(s)/parent(s). Youth <br />will not be allowed to participate without the commitment of at least one <br />adult family member participating, typically parent(sO/custodian(s), as this <br />program is designed to assist in helping the family to function more effec- <br />tively as a unit while meeting individual needs. <br />3) The TC Coordinator has worked diligently to build a good working relation- <br />ship with the OJJ Intake Ct Counselor resulting in a significant increase in <br />the number of referrals comparing 1st quarter of 2000 with the 1999 referral <br />rate. The success of RESOLVE in meeting its goals will require continued <br />growth in Teen Court referrals, TC youth making up most of RESOLVE. <br />4) The RESOLVE curriculum was written by staff from the Mediation Center of <br />Eastern Carolina & is now a service of quite a few other mediation/dispute <br />resolution centers throughout the state. Contact by these centers with par- <br />ticipants has yielded information indicating success in changing behaviors. <br />5) Referrals will come from O J J, other Juv. Ct. officials, DSS, school offi- <br />cials, & other public service & counseling-related agencies using a written <br />form. Youth will be referred for the same types of behaviors as for <br />Teen Court generally & the referral & referral process are much the same as <br />with the TC program. See A # 3 for RESOLVE-relatede information. <br />6) The TC & RESOLVE Coordinator will work closely with referred youth & <br />& their families, seeing them weekly at the 2-hour sessions. <br />7) Refer to #1 above which states most of the day-to-day program activities <br />of the Coordinator. Participants will meet weekly in 2-hour sessions, with <br />some time devoted to joint session time with youth & adults, some separate. <br />8) Youth are terminated from the program successfully upon completion of the <br />8-week curriculum & will receive a certificate. Whether successful or not in <br />completion, referral sources will be notified in writing. <br />9) As the majority of the participant youth will be from Teen Court, the <br />majority will have been referred by the OJJ or other Juv. Court officials <br />& therefore contact with those individuals will be frequent. <br /> <br />4('b') <br /> <br /> <br />