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Briel?¥ describe what the program expects to achieve and why. The narrative should address each of the <br />items (1) Identify the staff and their responsibilities to the program, (2) describe the physical facilities in <br />which the services will be delivered, (3) discuss any areas of concern that could affect the success of the <br />program (4J discuss why these resources used in the manner described should be expected to alter <br />inappropriate behavior, (5) describe the referral, screening and admission procedures, (6) describe the <br />means of working with youth and families, (7) describe the daily program activities and, (8) describe the <br />termination procedures and (9) interaction with juvenile court. <br /> Component Narrative for Truancy Mediation (hereafter referred to as TM}: <br /> 1) Staff involved with TM will be: CCMC Exec. Director who: oversees all <br /> CCMC services; tracks funds; reports to CCMC Bd. & to funding sources; pro- <br /> motes all services/programs. The Mediation Services Coordinator will <br />,erform daily program tasks: evaluate referrals; interview/assess referred <br />youth/custodians & explain rules of TM; schedule mediations & co-mediators, <br />if needed; prepare the needed forms for the mediation session; follow-up on <br />the agreement & school attendance for up to 90 days; report progress to <br />referral source if other than school personnel; make referrals to community <br />services as deemed appropriate; perform exit interview; maintain case files & <br />statistical info.; complete required reports; promote TM within the community. <br />2) CCMC is located at 24 Cabarrus Ave. in Concord, NC. There are several <br /> offices & conference rooms. The Mediation Coorwill Conduct most of the daily <br />tasks there. Sessions will be held at the CCMC, contingent upon the <br />situations. Mediation session participants will be the truant student, custo- <br />dian(s)/parent(s), and a school official, most likely a Social Worker. Refer- <br />rals may come from: OJJ & other Juvenile Ct. officials; school officials; <br />~and staff of the Department of Social Services when DSS has custody of a <br />truant student. <br /> <br />3) The Mediation Coordinator will work diligently to build a good working <br /> relationship with the OJJ Intake Court Counselor, Juvenile Ct. staff, & school <br />I officials to hopefully enable the program to meet its numeric & measurable <br />goals. The concern would be whether individual schools or school systems <br />i would respond as hoped for to this new service. <br />'4) Several other mediation centers offer this service and have had very posi- <br />tive results as far as increased student attendance is concerned. The media- <br />tion process itself puts the students more on an equal footing with the <br />adults involved, the mediator(s), of course, remaining neutral. <br /> 5) Referrals come from the sources as listed above by use of a written refer- <br />ral form. See A # 4 for the referal process. Referred youth must be enrolled <br />in school & not have missed so many days that they will fail for the year or <br />I . <br />semester anyway. They may be between the ages of 11-16. The Coordinator <br />will screen the referrals & contact all parties to discuss the referrals. <br />6) The Mediation Coordinator will work closely with referred youth & their <br />parents/custodians for up to 90 days & make appropriate referrals to communit <br />resources including to RESOLVE or to TEEN Court in necessary. <br />7) Refer to gl above which states most of the day-to-day program activities. <br />In addition, there is much paperwork & record maintenance involved as is <br />described below. The Coordinator does attempt to keep comtact with the <br />referred youth & parents/custodians either by phone, letter, or face-to-face <br />]contact at least once, if not more, every 30 days. <br />8) The termination procedures are pretty much the same as with Teen Court. <br />Referral sources & youth are notified of program compliance & termination. <br />9) As with Teen Court, the Coord. will work closely with Juv. Ct. officials. <br /> <br />4(~Z~) <br /> <br /> <br />