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the County's Geographical Information System (GIS). The Contractor <br />will provide technical support and file information to the County with <br />regard to the ODBC functionality of the installed data bases. The <br />Contractor will provide an interface capable of transferring pertinent <br />data from the appraisal system to the County's GIS. The Contractor <br />will also install an interface capable of receiving and applying data <br />transferred from the GIS to the appraisal system and parcel file. <br /> <br /> 5. Commencement and Prosecution of Work. The Project will commence upon <br />the County's written authorization to proceed and will be completed in full and accepted <br />by the County not later than December 1, 1999, unless extended pursuant to the terms of <br />this Agreement. The contract work will be considered completed in full when the following <br />criteria have been met (the "Acceptance"): <br /> <br />(a) <br /> <br />The System has been fully loaded on the County's hardware and is <br />fully functional. <br /> <br />(b) <br /> <br />(c) <br /> <br />The conversion of appraisal data has been completed with a verified <br />accuracy rating of at least 98%. This information will be verified by <br />selecting a random sample of at least 100 parcels from the System <br />and comparing the information from the County's existing system to <br />the information on the System. <br /> <br />The conversion of the calculates and compute functions has been <br />completed and the System accurately calculates the value of all real <br />properties as stated in the County's 1999 Schedule of Values. The <br />goal of the Contractor shall be to demonstrate consistent valuations <br />that calculate within $10.00 of those values calculated by the <br />County's existing System. Upon an agreement negotiated in good <br />faith, the Contractor and the County will deem any differences in <br />valuation calculations between the two systems acceptable. <br /> <br />(d) <br /> <br />The County has received training necessary to the operation of the <br />System, as specified in Attachment B, Section 7. <br /> <br /> 6. Completion Dates and Chan.qes in Contract Work Schedule. Time is of the <br />essence in this Agreement. The following completion dates are hereby established for <br />purposes of completion of the Project. Delays outside the control of the "Contractor' in the <br />timely delivery of the hardware will make it necessary to modify the completion schedule <br />below: <br /> <br />(a) <br /> <br />(b) <br /> <br />Phase One and Phase Two of Section 4 of this Agreement above, <br />shall be completed not later than August 15, 1999. <br /> <br />Phase Three of Section 4 of this Agreement shall be completed and <br /> <br /> <br />