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Exhibit G <br /> <br />§115C-493 ART. 36. TAX SUPPLEMENTS FOR SCHOOLS §115C-501 <br /> <br /> Where the <br />bequests so <br />of such gift or gifts <br />expended. (1961, c. <br /> <br />of said pledges, <br /> :he board of <br /> and only <br /> <br /> devises and <br />shall keep the principal <br />income therefrom may be <br />1.~ <br /> <br />§ 115C-494. Propert~ <br /> ees <br /> All property <br />board of trustees for <br />hereunder and all <br /> <br />the <br />tim, <br />State.(19~ <br /> <br /> income of board of trust- <br /> State taxation. <br /> or donated to the <br /> of endowment fund created <br /> ifts uests received or other- <br /> wment fund, as well as <br /> income from said nt fund, shall at all <br /> taxation, of any nature within the <br />970; 1981, c. 423, s. 1.) <br /> <br /> fication purposes. <br /> <br />SUBCHAPTER VIII. LOCAL TAX ELECTIONS. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 36. <br /> <br />Voted Tax Supplements for School Purposes,., <br /> <br />§ 115C-500. Superintendents must furnish bound- <br /> aries of special taxing districts. <br /> It shall be the duty of superintendents to furnish tax listers at tax <br />listing time the boundaries of each taxing district as provided in <br />G.S. 115C-276(m). (1981, c. 423, s. 1.) <br /> <br /> Local Modification. -- lAs to Article <br />36) Transylvania: 1983, c. 363. <br /> <br /> § 115C-501. Purposes for which elections may be <br /> called. <br /> (a) To Vote a Suoolemental Tax. -- Elections may be called by the <br /> local tax-levying authority to ascertain the will of the voters as to <br /> whether there shall be levied and collected g snecial tax in the <br /> several local school administrative units, districts, and other school <br />p"~eme' i~clgding districts formed from contiguous counties, to sun- <br /> nt the funds from State and county allotments and thereby <br /> operate schools of a higher standard by supplementing any item o.f <br /> expenditure in the school budg~. When supplementary funds are <br /> authorized by the carrying of such an election, ~ <br /> used to employ additional teachers other than those allotted by the <br /> State, to teach{ any grades or subiects or for kindergarten instruc; <br /> finn, to establish indmaintain a, pproved summer schools, to make <br /> ~e contribution to the Teachers and State Em.p_Lg. yees Retirement <br /> <br />401 <br /> <br />67 <br /> <br /> <br />