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05/12/98 TUE 14:43 FAX i 704 7SS 8420 DSS ~003 <br /> <br />Nadine Holshouser <br /> <br /> Nadine Holshouser's first experience in working at Cabarrus County Department of <br />Social Services c~me in October, 1981, at a time when she was at the a~ency temporarily, <br />working with the Fuel Procr~m. She returned in October of 1982, to we, ll with the Fuel <br />Pro~r~m~ again. In January, 1983, she went to work in the Income Malnteai~nce Division, as a <br />(temporary) worker in Adult Medicaid. One year after she began work in Income Maintenance,. <br />she was hi-ed into a permanent position. Although she left this position in Fall, 1986, she <br />continued to return each Fall afterward, to assist us with the Fuel ProEram. On January 25, <br />1990, she bec~me employed with the a~ency as a Data Entry operator, ~rst on a part-time <br />basis, and later, in a full-time position, which she ha.~ held to the present time. <br /> <br /> At the ~.ime when Haaine began her work in Data Entry, the agency was in the process <br />of ch:~z~ing from a system of m~illng in state forms, to our keyln~ in the i~formation, on.line, <br />from our agency. In orchestrating this new system, Nadine had to learn many of her keyboard <br />duties by 'trial and error', and item telephone contact with state data entry personnel. She <br />always completed the data entry functions in a timely m;nner, and when she hit =sna§s', such <br />as when cel~.~in items on fornls would not go through, she was patient, yet persistent, in <br />m=lri,~g sure that the information was keyed within the requ/red time frames, and she always <br />made every effort to make sure the infor~tion being keyed was correct. Ns&ins was also <br />accessible, at times when certai~ infor~uation on data for,,,a had to be keyed quickly. She has <br />worked hard to make sure that all dearlli~es have been met, and without her tenacity and her <br />commitment, the a~sistance entitled to many of ottr clients might have been negatively affected. <br /> <br /> In 1998, bladine was voted DSS Employee of the Year, and was presented thl, award, <br />without her prior knowledge, at the agency Christmas luncheon that year. It is well-l~nown that <br />Nadine is one of the nicest, and one of the most dependable and trustworthy employees there <br />could ever be. Her belief in the need to be supportive of co-workers has been demonstrated in <br />her participation on the committee which manages the County Leave Sh_~_ving Bank. She has <br />also assisted on various in-agency committees, and ha~_ never hesitated to lend a "helping <br />B~nd', whenever her help was needed. Her commitment to her work is not oltly locally <br />recognized, but also is _~__own in Data Entry at the state level, as well. <br /> <br /> Nadine is anxiously anticipating retirement, and with her high level of energy, her <br />friends and acquaintances l~now that she will leave "no stone unturned"! In addition to her <br />involvement with her two grown sons, she looks forwaxd to the time she will spend with her <br />hobbies, which include her love of Country T_.ine Dancing, her bowling in two separate leagues, <br />and her enioyment of playing BINGO! Nadine has always been one to say what she thinks, but <br />v-lilts some, she has possessed the skill of doing it in a kindly manner, always aclrnowleclging <br />other penone' feelings and viewpoints. Her love of life and her ergoyment of those around her <br />have made her an example for others to follow, and although she will be missed by her co. <br />workers, she will stay in touch, and will finally have the time to do what she enjoys moat. At <br />the Department of Social Services, we love her, we wish her well, and we thank her, for helping <br />to make our workplace a better one! <br /> <br /> <br />