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Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes <br />March 20, 1997 <br /> <br />Page 19 <br /> <br />these types of contracting businesses, a Contractor Storage Yard is <br />only permitted in the General Commercial not the Limited <br />Commercial. It needs to be General Commercial to meet his needs. <br /> <br />Mr. Moose asked if the Board could make it a conditional use <br />under the Limited Commercial. <br /> <br />Mr. Marshall said the Board would have to go back in and change <br />the text in the ordinance to allow contractor storage yards as a <br />conditional use. That is our limitation. We worked with Mike <br />Downs, Zoning Administrator, and his interpretation is that the <br />request is for a contractor storage yard and has to be General <br />Commercial. <br /> <br />Mr. Foster said he does not know if there is any opposition; he has <br />not heard of any. He does not want to pull any wool over the <br />residents eyes; he wants them to know what he intends to do. <br /> <br />Mr. Jerry Steiner, Resident, addressed the Board, stating he does <br />not want the property to be rezoned. Right now it is residential <br />and he does not want it to be changed to commercial. The land <br />across the street is already zoned Limited Commercial. Mr. Steiner <br />said the difference to him between Commercial and Limited <br />Commercial is that with commercial you can leave stuff outside, <br />and that is what he is worried about - - clutter. He wants to control <br />clutter. He said what ever happened to a buffer zone between <br />residential and commercial. To him Limited Commercial is a <br />buffer, but not commercial. Mr. Steiner said once you go <br />commercial what will stop this from becoming an auto graveyard? <br />He said he does not know. You cannot change progress, but you <br />can control its direction with eyes toward the future and with <br />planning. Mr. Steiner said he does not like this, seeing what's <br />coming. <br /> <br />Mr. Hobbs said the first paragraph under General Commercial <br />says, "General Commercial may border a higher density residential <br />zone". He asked how does that fit in relation to Mr. Foster's <br />property as lower density. <br /> <br /> <br />