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Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes <br />October 19, 1995 <br /> <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />4. Left for longer than seven days on public grounds. <br /> <br />Junk Vehicle - Any motor vehicle that: <br /> <br />1. Does not display a current license tag and registration; or <br /> <br />2. Is partially dismantled or wrecked; or <br /> <br /> 3. Cannot be self propelled or moved in a manner in which it <br />originally was intended to move; or <br /> <br /> 4. Is more than five years old and appears to have no resale <br />value except as a source of parts or scrap. <br /> <br />Motor Vehicle - Any machine designed or intended to travel over <br />land, water, or air by self propulsion or while attached to a self <br />propelled vehicle. <br /> <br />Mr. Jay Lowe, Zoning Technician, addressed the Board presenting <br />Petition 95-05(T) giving the board a quick overview of why and how <br />these amendments came about. He said over the past several months <br />our office has received an increasing number of complaints regarding <br />salvage cars on private property. However, the problem has been with <br />the coding enforcement aspect of handling these complaints. Mr. <br />Lowe said often times we as zoning officers have found ourselves in <br />somewhat of an awkward position. They have found themselves, in <br />some cases, having to go out three or more times just to try and locate <br />the site where these supposed junk cars were to be located. First of all, <br />in a lot of cases, the cars are so far offthe road that we have no way of <br />knowing how to get to them. Secondly, if they are fortunately enough <br />to locate these vehicles they are faced with the situation of confronting <br />the property owner and trying to explain to him/her that they have 30 <br />days to remove the junked vehicles from their property. Therefore, we <br />are faced with dealing with an upset property owner that cannot <br />understand why after all these years we are suddenly forcing him to <br />move these cars. Mr. Lowe said our office felt that it would be in the <br />Ix:st interest of our department as well as the property owners if we <br />took a closer look at the sections of our ordinance that deals with junk <br />cars. <br /> <br /> <br />