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grant prcposa!s and funding requests .for replacement vans for the system, wi-_h <br />the assistance of MCS staff; <br /> <br />C. The agencies utilizing the system will provide MCS with information <br />concerning authorized riders and pickups between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and <br />I:00 p.m. on the day prior to the day service is requested; <br /> <br />D. Agencies requesting vans for special trips outside the regular system <br />operation will make their request to MCS with sufficient notice ~o allow MOS <br />to arrange for the vehicle(s) and driver(s); <br /> <br /> Participating agencies will reimburse MC$ for transportation provided a~ <br /> rate an~ subject to the adjustments se~ forth in the price page attached <br />hereto and labelled Exhibit A, with the following conditions attached: <br /> <br />i. Increases in the average per-gallon price of gasoline paid each month <br />over the average per-gallon price of .seventy-two cents (%.72) will be <br />compensated by an increase in the mileage rate paid to MCS as follows: for <br />every five cen%s ($0.05) increase per gallon of gasoline, the mileage <br />reimbursemenu rate will be increased by one-half ($.005) cents per vehicle <br />mile; Eke same condition applies for decreases in ~he average per-gallon prlce <br />of gasoline; <br /> <br />LENGTHY IN-COUNTY, OUT-OF-COUNTY, OVER/~iGHT TP, IPS A_ND <br />REGULAR WAIT-TIME. <br /> <br />In the event that an agency requests MCS to provide transportauion sesvlce <br />its clienns to a destinaticn that would re~ire MCS's driver,s) to be <br />inactive for a period longer than one-quarter hour (15 minutes) and/or ~2: <br />stay overnight with the clients at.the destination, then the approved uaue <br />:nile will be supplemented as follows: <br /> <br /> E,~,!PLE ! - Trips of up to one day duration reqlliring a driver a:%d <br />vehicle to be oun of service for normal operations (~o the neares% quaruer- <br />hour), ~hen MCS will be compensated for the balance at a rate of $!0.00 per <br />hour per driver; <br /> <br /> EXAMPLE 2 - Overnight trips of two days duration: for the first day, <br />MCS will be compensated at a rate of $10.00 per hour per driver for the <br />difference (if any) between the time of arrival at the destination and 5:OOp~. <br />and on 5he second day for the difference (if any) between 8:00am and the 5ime <br />of departure. Lodging and meal expenses incurred by MCS's driver(s) will <br />reimbursed a~ cost; <br /> <br /> EXA~M. PLE 3: Overnight trips of three or more days: for the first day <br />and las~ days, the =erms of example 2 will apply; and for each additional <br />~he terms of example 1 will apply. Lodging and meal expenses incurred by <br />MCS's driver(s) will be reimbursed at cost for the entire period; <br /> <br />p~332401 3 11/28/94 <br /> <br /> <br />