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CH. :162. <br /> <br />62-39 <br /> <br />c,be~ ~n) oroer of comm:,ment so <br />t]$35, c. 2, s. 2; R.C., c. $7, s. 3; Code, s. <br />.~-~58; Rev., s. ]350; C.S., s. ]354; ]9?3, c. <br />57, s. 2; c. 822, s. 3; ]953, c. 6?0, s. <br /> <br /> § 162-39. Transfer of prisoners when <br />- necessary for safety and sectu-Jty; <br /> ~pplJcation of secdon to municipali- <br /> <br /> ~enevez necess~ for the s=fety of a <br /> sonar held Jn ~ny county jaJ] or ~ avoid <br /> breach of the pe~ce Jn any county or <br /> <br /> numbers that .coun}y jaJ] facilities are <br /> jn~u~c}ent and ~naoequate for the hous- <br /> ~n~ of such pr~soners, the res~entjud~e of <br /> uhe ~uper~or cou~ or any ju~e hoSdJng <br /> mperJor co~ Jn ~e ~strJct Or any <br /> cou~.ju~de may or,er the prisoner trans- <br /> lated ~ a ~t and secure jaJ]Jn so~e other <br /> county, or ~ a unit of :he S~ prison <br /> ~v~tem desk.aMd by ~he Secre~ <br /> ~o~ect~on or h~s authorized repre~en~- <br /> foe, where %he prisoner shall be ~e]d for <br /> [?ch ]en~h of t~me as :he judge may <br /> c[re~. The sheriff of the county from <br /> ~'hich the prJsooer ~s removed shall <br /> responsible for conveying :he prisoner <br /> Uhe jail or prison unit where he is ~ be <br /> ~e]d. and for retu~Jng him to t~e common <br /> j~i) 'of the county from whkh he was <br /> t, ansfe~ed. The retu~ shah be made at <br /> the expiration of the time desJ~ated in <br /> the cou~ order directing the transfer un- <br /> )es~ the judge, by appropriate or, er, shall <br /> fre:t othe~'Jse. The sheriff or keeper of <br /> the jail of the county 8esJ~a~ in the <br /> court or,er, or the o~cer in charEe of the <br /> ~Hson unit desJ~a~d by the Secre~, of <br /> Co.action, sba)) receive aha re)ease cus- <br /> ~)' ofth~ priso)~er in accordance with the <br /> ie~s of t~e cou~ or,er. ]fa prisoner Js <br /> b ~n~ ' <br /> ".feted to a umt of the State <br /> ~js~, t~e county fro~ which t~e prJs- <br /> is transfe~e~ shall pay the Depa~- <br /> men[ of Co.action for ~n~in~n~ the <br /> <br /> ?hkh tSe Depa~meht of Correction pays a <br /> )~] jaJ] for mafn~injng a prisoner, ~ro- <br /> ~?ed, ho~'ever, that a counly {s not re- <br /> ~c~red ~ reimburse the Ste~ for <br /> ~n~ng a prisoner who was a resident of <br /> ~.,u%her state or county at the time he <br /> ~mit~d the crime for ~'hich he ~s ~m- <br /> pr~soned. ]fthe prisoner ~s transferred to a <br /> ~j) in some other county, the count)' from <br /> v'hkh the prisoner i$ transferred she]] pay <br /> ~tbe county receiving the prisoner in its <br /> 3~i) {he actua{ cost of mainlining the <br /> ~r~suner for the time des~a~d by the <br /> <br /> court. Counties are hereby authorized to <br /> enter into contractual,agreements with <br /> other counties to provJoe j-'il facilities to <br /> which prisoners may be transferred as <br /> deemed necessary under this section. <br /> ?,'hanover prisoners are arres~d in such <br />~umbers that county jail f~d]/ties ~re <br />insufficient and inadequate for the ssfe- <br />keeping of such prisoners, the resident <br />judge of the superior cou~ or any suuerior <br />or d~strJct cou~udge ho]ding cou~ {n the <br />distric~ may o. der the prisoners trans- <br />ferred to a unit of the S~te Depa~ment of <br />Correction desJ~ated b) ~he Secre~ <br />CorrectJon or his ~uthorized represent. <br />t~ve, where the prisoners may be held for <br />such ]ankh of time as the judge may <br />d~rect, such de~ntion ~ be in col] sep~a~ <br />from ~at used For imprisonment of per- <br />sons already convic~d of crimes, except <br />when zdmJssJon to ~n inpatient prison <br />medical or mental heahh unit is requJred <br />to provide se~'Jces deemed necessa~ by a <br />prison heskh care c]Jn~cJan. The sheri~of <br />the county from which the ~Hsoners are <br />removed shall be responsible for conveying <br />the prisoners ~ the prison unit or ~ts <br />where they are ~ be he]d, and for retu~- <br />lng them ~ the common iai] of ~e county <br />from which they ~,ere translated. How- <br />ever, if due ~o the number of prboners to <br />be conveyed the sheriff ~s ~ab)e to pro- <br />vide adequa~ transpo~tion, he m~y re- <br />quest the assJs~nce of the Depa~ment of <br />Co,action, and the Depa~ment of ~f~ec- <br />t~on is hereby ~uthorized and directed to <br />cooperate with the sheriff and provide <br />wha~ver assJs~nce Js available, both in <br />x, ehJc]es and manpower, ~ eccomv]ish the <br />conveying of the prisoners to and ~rom the <br />county ~ the 8esi~ated prison unit or <br />un,ts. The o~cer Jn charge of thepr~son <br />unit desJ~ted by the Secre~' of Correc- <br />tion or h~s authorized represen~th, e shah <br />receive and re]ease the custody of the <br />prisoners in accordance with the ~rms <br />the cou~ order. The couniy from which the <br />prJsoners are transferred shah pay to the <br />Depa~ment of Correct,on the actual cost <br />of transpomJng the prisoners ~nd the cost <br />of mainlining the prboners at the per <br />d~y, per inmate ra~ at which the Depa~- <br />me~t of Correction pays a ]oc~] jail for <br />mainta~nJng a prisoner, provided, bow- <br />ever, that a county Js not required <br />reJmburse the Sta~ For transposing or <br />maintaining a prisoner who was ~ resident <br />of another s~e or count), at the t~me <br />was arrestffd. However, JFthe count)' com- <br />missioners shah ce~fy ~ the Governor <br />that the coumy Js uneb]e to pay the <br />submitted by the S~te Dep~ment of <br /> <br />8 <br /> <br /> <br />