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§ 162-40 c~. :~.~. <br /> <br />Corr, ecdon to the coumv for the services <br />renoered, either in whc~]e or ~n part, the <br />Governor m~y zecommend ? the <br />of S~te that t~e Stat.e of No~h Carolina <br />ass~e and p~v, ~n whole or in p~, <br />obligation of:h~ county to :he Dep~m~nt <br />of Co.action, ~nd upon approval of :he <br />Council of S~te :he zmount so approved <br />shall be pMd from Contingency zn~ Emer- <br />~ency Fund ~ [he De~mmen: of <br />:~on. <br /> %%%~n, due to zn emergency, it ~s not <br />feasft]e to ob:Mn from a judge of the <br />superior or d~s:r]ct cou~ a prior order of <br />transfer, :he sheriff of the county and the <br />Depzmment of Co.action may exerdse <br />:h~ au:horhv here]naf'~r conferred; pro- <br />Weed, howe~er, :kat ~he sheriff sEMI, <br />soon as possible a~r %he emergency, ob- <br />%~]n zn oroer from :he judge authorizing <br />:he ~r]soners ~ be held ]n the <br />place of confinement for such period ~s the <br />3udge mzy d~rect. All provisions of :his <br />section shah be appUczb]e to <br />t~es ~'henever pr:sonars are ~es(ad <br />such numbers that :he mun~dpz] jail <br />]t~es ~nd :he county jail facilities are <br />~nsuffident and ~nadeguale for the s~fe. <br />keeping of :he prisoners. ~e chief of <br />police ~s hereby ~u:hor]zed ~ e~ercise <br />authority herein confe~ed upon %he seer- <br />iff, and :he mun~dpMffv sEal]be ]bb]e for <br />~he cost of transpo~n~ and maintaining <br />the prisoners to the s~me extent as a <br />county would be un]ess ~cdon ~s taken by <br />the ~vernor and Cound] of S~e <br />here~n provided for counties which are <br />unable ~ ~ay such co,ts. <br /> The number of coumy prisoners ~n~r- <br />cat,ted ~n :he Strata ~r~on system pursu- <br />ant ~ s~{ekeep~ng oroers fro~ the various <br />counties ~ay nut exceed 200 at ~ny gE'eh <br />t~me un}ess au[hor~zed by the Secretary of <br />Co,action. The Secre~, m~y refuse <br />accept any safekeeper ~nd may retu~ ~ny <br />s~{ekeeper trans{e~ed under'a sa{ekeep- <br />~ng order ~'hen th~s cap~cffy ]~m~t <br />reached. O957, c. 1265; ]967, c. 996, ss. ]3, <br />15; ~969, cc. 462, ]]30; ~973, c. S22, s. 3; c. <br />]262, s. ~0; ]9S3, c. ]65, ~s. 1-4; ~9S5 (Reg. <br /> <br />], s. 7; ]99], c. 535, s. ]3 <br /> <br />§ 362-40. When jail destroy'ed, trans- <br />fer of prisoners pro~-lded'for. <br /> <br /> VJhen :be jail of any count>, is destroyed <br />by fire or other acc]dent, any judi~ia] <br />officer of such courAv ~y c~use MI pr~s- <br />oners :hen con,ned {here~n ~ be brough~ <br />before him.. Upon ~Yoe production of the <br />process under ~'hkh ~ny prisoner w~s <br /> <br />con:%ed, such judicial o~cer shall <br />his commitment to the jail of any adi-'-:" <br />county. The sheriff or other <br />county deputized for teat <br /> <br />the common jan ox SUCh aojacent cou,.. <br />shall receNe such pfis~ers <br />with ~hose provisions of G.8. <br />c. 2, s. 1; R.C., c. 87, s. 2; Cooe, ~'. <br />~v.,s. 1351;C.S.,s. 1355; 1973, c. <br />c. 822, s. 3; 1983, c. 670, s. ~8.) <br /> <br />§ 362-40.1. Reimbursement for <br />fer of prisoners. <br /> <br /> The county receh'ing prisoners pur~u~-. <br />to G.S, 1162-38, 1162-o9 and 1162-40 shall <br />reimbursed at the usual jail fee r~t~ <br />each 24 hours of confinement or <br />thereof by the county from which th; <br />prisoner ~s transferred. (11953, c. 670, <br />]93 <br /> <br />§ 162-41: Repealed by Session Laws <br />1977, c. 731, s. 33. <br />§§ 162-42 to 162-44: Repea]ed by. Se~- <br />sion Laws 11953, c. 670, s. 20, e~ectivo <br />Ju]y 1, 3983. <br /> <br />§ ]62-45.'.RepeMed by Sessfon Laws <br />1977, c. ~11, s. 33. <br />{ 162-46: ~pea]ed by Session L~ws <br />]979, c. 760, s. 4, effecthe July <br />1981. <br /> <br />~ 362-47: ~pea]ed by Session Laws <br />1977, c. 711, s. 33. <br /> <br />~ 362-48: P~pealed by Session L~ws <br />198~, c. 670, s. 20, effective July 1, <br />1983. <br /> <br />~ 162-49: Repealed by Session L~ws <br />3977, c. 731, s. 33. <br /> <br />~ ]62.50. Penalties. <br /> <br /> Upon a ~ndJng 1hat t~e ~herJff, pe~n- <br />a]3y or through hSs la~u] deputies, <br />~'~]]fu]]y fM]e8 or neglected ~ perform <br />duty imposed by this Chsp~r, or <br />shy fMse re~urn, he ~hM1 be <br />damages of not ~ore ~h~n We hun=re: <br />dollars ($500.00), snd such damages recO~2' <br />ered shM] be pMd ~ the person <br />No~h}ng ~n ~h3s section bzrs ~n <br />dent ~cdon for d~m~geS by ~he pe <br />~g~}eved. (R9~3, c. ~70, s. 2~.) <br /> <br />~{ ]62-51 to 362-~: Reserved for <br />ture cod~cs~ion pu~oses. <br /> <br />992 <br /> <br />9 <br /> <br /> <br />