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2.0 INTRODUCTION <br /> <br />2.1 GENERAL <br /> <br />The intent of this Solid Waste Management Plan is to receive local geographic area <br />designation for the Towns of Harrisburg and Mount Pleasant, the City of Kammpolls, and <br />all of the unincorporated areas of Cabarrus County for thc purposes of' effectively <br />controlling the collection, transportation, storage, and disposal of solid waste generaled <br />within these areas of tile County. The solid waste program for tiffs proposed geographic <br />area will be managed by Caban'us County. Thc City of Concord, which is also located <br />wholly within Cabarru$ County, has signed a Iong-ternl disposal agreement with a <br />privately owned and 'operated sanitat'y landfill located adja~nt lo t/~ C'harlotte Meier <br />Speedway in Concord. For this reason, the City of Conc. ord is not included in the Solid <br />Wast~ Management Plan. <br /> <br />Cabarrus County's Solid Waste Management Plan consists of three major elements which, <br />when tully {mpletnented, will effectiv~:Iy control the collection, transportation, processing, <br />and disposal of all solid w~.,~te generated in th~ previously described geographic area. <br />'f'hese three cie. merits are solid waste flow control, recycling, and landfilling, la preparing <br />this p/an, the following major task items were completed: <br /> <br />Determ{natJon of Existing and Projected Population; <br />Determination of Existiug and Projected Solid Waste Gcoerated; <br />A~sessmcnt of Existing and Future Landfill Operat{ons; <br />Evaluation of Recycling; and, <br /> <br />Implementation of the So]id Waste Management Act o£ 19~9 (as originally <br />promulgated ia Senate Bill 111 and amended by House Bill I109). <br /> <br />These three element,; of tile County's solid waste management plan are described <br />general below. <br /> <br /> <br />