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! <br /> <br /> the proposed name be phonetically similar to any exisling name <br /> irrespective of lhe use of a designation as street, road, drive <br /> plaee, eoul't~ etc. Road names shall be subjecl lo lhe approval <br /> ~he CabaYrus County Planning and Zoning Department. All roads <br /> shall be marked wilb a readtl~ readable name sign. <br /> <br /> The developer ~all bear lhe cost and the County sba]l insla]l slreet <br /> signs at all inlerseclJons as sho~vn on lhe final plat. These signs <br /> should be erected only afte~ all road and ulili~y conslrucdon bas <br /> been completed. <br /> <br /> Roads shall be ~o convenient to <br /> desired <br /> assure <br /> parks, <br />p]ayg~ounds~ schools and other places of public assembly. Cu~-b, <br />~IterJng and sidewalks shall be required, when lols are 20,000 <br />square feet o~ ]ess. Sidewalks are re~uired on one side of all roads <br />designaled local residential streels as defined in this ordinance. <br /> <br />The dedicalion of half roads at the perimele~ of a new <br />subdivision shall be p~ohibited. ~x'here ~here exists a <br />half road in an adjoining subdivision, the remaining half <br />shall be provided by xhe proposed subdivision. <br /> <br />~cal street should be limited lo a maximum of one thousul~d (1,000) <br />feet unless unusual ~opo~aphy or land confi~ralion <br />otherwise. (Design Standards are set by Department <br />T~nsporlalion) <br /> <br />Dislance bel~een slreel inlerseedons shall ~o~ be longer lhan 1,600 <br /> excep~ in an average size of over one acre <br />feel <br /> subdi¥isions <br /> <br />2,000 feel apart. The Plam~ing and Zoning Commission may allow <br />longer d}stances where a longer distance will reduce the number of <br />railroad grade crossings, major stream crossings, or where Ionge~ <br />distances will result in less traffic through residential subdivisions <br />from adjoining business or industrial areas. <br /> <br />~'here a subdivision or planned development ontrance t'oad <br />projected to accommodate over 900 ve]ficles per day, ;~ su/-ond <br />enlrance be required where feasible and such access Js <br />desirable ~o facilitate neighborhood p]annJng. As an a][ernative <br />where a second entrance is not feasible a single median entrance <br />meet/n~ North CeroUna Department of Transportation standards may <br />be required. Median entente shall extend to the first internal <br />street intersect/on and be fronted by open space or reverse <br />f~nlage lois. <br /> <br />Where a subdivision is proposed adjace~)1 fo an arterial, collector <br />and access is proposed omo the rosd, the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission may require left turn s~orage or right turn deceleralion <br />lanes on lo Ibc r~d(s) or inlerseclJon(s). These shall be <br />~nslrucled and s~rJped lo Norlh Ca~lina Dep~rtment of <br />T~nsporla~/on standards Io permit 1he safe and f~e flow of traffic. <br /> <br /> 20 <br /> <br /> <br />