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Left turn lanes sha!l be considered as a requirement in development <br /> with over 75 units. <br /> <br />13. Where a subdivision is proposed adjacent to a thoroughfare other <br /> than a limited access highway which has an inadequate right-of-way <br /> according 1o lhe Cabarrus Counly Thoroughfare Plan, the Planning <br /> and Zoning Commission, shall require that the property owner <br /> dedicate such right-of-tray along his/her property as is necessary <br /> lo bring the right-of-way up to Thoroughfare Plan standards, for <br /> that portion of the thoroughfare. <br /> <br />14. Whenever a tract of land to be subdivided includes any part of the <br /> proposed right-of-way for a limited access highway as shown on the <br /> County Thoroughfare Plan and said proposed right-of-way has been <br /> further defined by acceptable location procedures sufficient <br /> identify properties to be affected, the right-of-way for the limited <br /> access high~'ay shell be reserved and remaiu undeveloped pending <br /> fulure acquisition by the Slate or other gcvernu~ental unit. The <br /> subdivider shall reserve the proposed right-of-way for a period not <br /> to exceed three (3) years from the date of approval of the <br /> preliminary plat, after which the land shall be considered as free as <br /> reser¥~lion. <br /> <br />Prfvale roafls proposed should be buill lo Norlh Carolina Deparhnenl of <br />Transporlalion S~andards. Al Ihe discrelion of lhe Plznnin~ Commission <br />prtvale roads may be allowed which do~s nol meet 1he Slsle DOT <br />if 1he subdivision consisls of lan o~ less ]O1S, lh~ division would preserve <br />a nalural ar~a, ov lhe ~oad would nol be accepled by 1he Slale <br />built to DOT slandards because of lhe Iow housin~ densily or ]en~lh. If <br />lhe proposed or exislin~ ]oi densily is less lhan ~wo (2) lois per l]10th <br />of a mile, lhell lh~ rollowin~ privale road provisions shall nol be used. <br /> <br />1. Privale ~oads under 2,~00 feet shall have a forly-five (45) foot <br /> riChl-of-way. Roads over 2,500 feet shall have a fifty (50) foo~ <br /> righ~-of-way. <br /> <br />2. There are lhree classes of olher prix, ale roads eslablished. Class <br /> A roads serve ?-10 lols, Class B roads serve 4-5 lols, and Class C <br /> roads serve 1-3 lots. <br /> <br />3. Class A roads shall meet NCDOT desi~ and imp~veme~t <br /> requiremenls lhat paving shall not be required after an <br /> initial 25' apron. This ap~n must be at ]easl 18' feet in widlh. <br /> <br />4. Class B and C roads shall meal lhe following slandards: <br /> <br /> a. Class B roads shall have a graveled lravelway of at leasl <br /> twelve (12) feel afler an /nilial 25' apron. Class C roads <br /> shall have a graveled l~velway of al least eight (8) f~l after <br /> an initial ~5~ apron. The iravelway shall have a1 least four <br /> (4) inches of packed ~vel. (The 25~ ap~n must be at least <br /> 15~ in ~4dlh). <br /> <br /> 21 <br /> <br /> <br />