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EXHIBIT A Urban Instilule <br /> <br /> A. In~uction <br /> <br /> ~e Urb~ Nsfimte is ~e appli~ rese~ch ~d public sen~ce ou~ach ~ of <br /> Universi~ of No~ C~o~na at Ch~loue. ~e Ins~mte was foxed Ln ~s~nse ~o state <br /> enabling le~sla6on N 1969, mhd since ~5at 5me has conducted a number of projects in <br /> · e re,on ~d ~e state.. ' <br /> <br /> ~e Instimle has worked extensively with loc~ governments ~d nonprofit <br /> org~izafions in ~is community. Tmough sep~ate con~cls with nmemus city and <br /> co~ agencies, ~e ~sfimte has provSded ~e foHox~g ~s of se~ces: conso~dafion <br /> sm~es, psychog~phic sun, eys, water ~qd sewer studies, teacher ~aining needs, <br /> ~s~nafion sm~es, waste exch~ge m~ket assessment, economo ~ge~g sm~es, <br /> real estat~ newsle.ers, business and indust~ directo~es, tou~sm studies, <br /> telecogerencing, ~s~iafion m~agement, public option su~eys, re~l m~ke6ng <br /> s~eys, housing ne~s s~'eys, me~c~ needs su~eys, s~te~c pl~Nng, pop~afion <br /> p~jecfions, ~d apa ~ent o~e~. <br /> <br /> ~e United Way of Cen~al C~lin~ Pl~ning Dep~ent has over 40 ye~s of <br />expeNence in Co~ Hm~ SenSces Piing. ~s work is collar=five N na~e <br />~d has Ncluded co--unity Nsfimfions, agencies ~d !~ government in successful <br />commu~ problem sol~g. O~ mst ~cent work N ~b~ Co~ Ncludes a <br />se~ices nee~ ~sessment. ~plememafion of ~a recommendations from ~e F~ly <br />Issues T~k Force is <br /> <br /> ~is pro~s~ pro.des for ~ fac~ta~va ~d cons~mfion se~ces of ~les Page, <br />U~t~ Way, ~d B~ McCoy, U~ ~s~mte. Bo~ ~ ~temct ~ ~e ~mmitte~ <br />Page'~ pfim~ role being that of helping define ~d ~Fme ~e options av~labla to <br />Co~ on ~e ~ee items ~cluded ~ ~e ch~ge to it ~d McCoy'~ pfim~ rol~ <br />beNg ~at of faeilim~g ~e mee~gs. O~ pro~ mnsmes ~at ~y s~f work need~ <br />by ~e Co~ ~ be p~x~ded by ~e pe~nent s~fs ~ ~b~s Co~. <br /> <br />B. Seo~ of <br /> <br /> 1. A m~imum of ten meetings of ~e Committe~ w~l ~ held. <br /> mee~gs ~e broken Nto ~e follo~g o~e~ <br /> <br /> Meedng 1 - Back~unddata <br /> Mee~g 2- Back~und data <br /> Meeting 3 - T~nd ~ysi~ ~d a ~oning exe~ <br /> <br /> <br />