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Open purchase orders will be issued for many repetitive, ~sually <br />low-dollar purchauos /'rom .one vendor. Rather t}l~n issuing a <br />purchi~se order for each individual purchase, one purchase order <br />issued for a period not to extend beyond June 30 to cover all <br />purchases durinq that budqet yea~~. For a~] spun purchase o~der to <br />be issued th~ [ollow!ng stel)s must be followed: <br /> <br /> 1. Department identifies the n~ed for an open purchase order <br /> by ewamin.[nq past purchasi~%g records;. <br /> <br /> 2. Bids are solicited from qualified local suppliers if <br /> there is more than one acco~;~;ib~e ~:,upp!ier. <br /> <br /> 3. The order is placed with the selected vendor by issuing <br /> a ))re-numbered pucch.~se order. 'l'hu ~ioL:crlption <br /> of this o~der WLLI read: <br /> <br /> "Term order, furnish items as requested by tho <br /> below-named employees of (C;~barcus County Department <br /> ou Agency) when above puccbase order ~%umber <br /> referenced. Total pu~'cha~::es for the term o~ thi~ <br /> <br /> monthly ~;tatemcn ts gui)ported by signed counter <br /> ticket::. Thi~.: ordcr expires o~] __, !9 ,. <br /> <br /> 4. The department will supply a list of employee namez, that <br /> <br /> purchase order. <br /> <br /> 5. Delivery tickets will be collected ns they are received <br /> <br /> Depf~rtment llead with the I)urchasc order uumbor written <br /> on the ticket. <br /> <br /> 6. Tho department head will compare the dolivt.ry tickets <br /> with tl~e monthly statement. If th~.. d,,liw.,ry <br /> match tile mollth.[y statement the vendor will be paid. <br /> Otherw~:o, the departmen~ i~ re~:pon~;ible for resolving <br /> tho situation. <br /> <br /> 1. The department head will approve the invoice for payment <br /> whcn it i:] received. The ¢,riqinal invoice and att,lched <br /> copy will then De forwarded to thc Financc DcpartmeOt. <br /> ]~ayment will be made from the <br /> <br /> <br />