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P. Tho Finance Department will verify approval and process <br /> <br /> 3. The purchase order will be liquidated when all items <br /> requef~ted have boon received and submitted for payment. <br /> <br /> Checks will be mailed to the vendor directly from the Finance <br /> <br /> Director. I'loaso be sure all backl~p that needs to bQ mailed with <br /> tho chock is attached to tho invoice and signed if necessary. <br /> <br /> General Statute 153A-13 states that "continuing contracts" are <br /> contrncts "some portion or ;~1l of which <br /> ensuing l.'i,~:ca] years." The primary facto¥ in ¢letermieinrj when <br /> specific contract is a "continUing contract" i:~ wbet;%(?r it in <br /> possible for the other party to the contract to fulfill parl~ or all <br /> of the contract i~ tho current year. Thus, thc, r~_~ are two basic <br /> type:] of "continuing contracts".' <br /> <br /> 1. Contracts that require fixed monthly amounts of service <br /> <br /> 2. Contracto that prohibit all or part of the provis.~on for <br /> goods and '~:ervice',~ by the other contracting ])arty before <br /> a specific (}ate at the end o£ the corrent fiscal year, <br /> <br />In both of'thes, e cases, the contract itself specifies the amounts <br />that can become due a~]d payable during the cur3:ont yoa~. If a ty])e <br />? contract {[ocs not ::poeify that delivery nlust occur In an ensuing <br />year, it '~hould non be considered a "continuing contract." <br />Therefore, unle:~s the contract or purchn.~;e clearly si)ceil Les a d~Jte <br />;it which service may bog La, the Finance Director should not <br />consider it to bo a "continu~Lng contract." The following wording, <br /> <br />accompli.,,~h this purpo:~e: <br /> <br /> "Delivery of goods and services to be provided <br /> <br />*Insert first day of thn fiscal year in which the contrnc~ is to <br />be paid. <br /> <br />It should be noted that unless the'statement is enforced and <br />deliveries are rejected bet:ore the specii'ied date, the good:3 <br />actual[Ly received in the current year will be chasgod to the <br /> <br /> <br />