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Sec. 4. Records to be kept~imal Control Department. i <br /> <br /> It shall be the duty of the Animal Control Department to keep,I or cause <br /> <br /> to be kept, accurate and detailed records of: <br /> <br /> (1) Impoundment and disposition of all animals coming into the animal <br /> <br /> shelter or shelters. <br /> <br /> (2) Bite cases, violations and complaints, and investigation of same. <br /> <br /> (3) Ail monies belonging to the county which were derived from impoundment <br /> fees, penalties and license tags,?nd sales of animals. <br /> (4) Ail other records deemed necessary by the County Manager. <br /> <br />~ROPOSED * Sec 4. Records to be kept by Animal Control Department~ <br /> CHANGE * It shall be the duty of the Animal Control Department to keep, or cause to <br /> <br /> #2 * be kept, accurate and detailed records for three years of: <br /> <br /> · (1) Impoundment and disposition of all animals coming into the animal <br /> <br /> · shelter or shelters. <br /> <br /> · (2) Bite cases, violations and complaints, and investigation of same. <br /> <br /> · (3) All monies belonging to the county which were derived from impoundment <br /> <br /> · fees, penalties and license tags, and sales of animals. <br /> <br /> · (4) All other records deemed necessary by the County Manager. <br /> <br /> Sec. 5. Cruelty to animals. <br /> <br /> It shall be unlawful for any person to molest, torture, torment, deprive <br /> <br /> of necessary sustenance, cruelly beat,'needlessly mutilate or kill, wound, injure, <br /> poison, abandon or subject to conditions detrimental to its health or general <br /> welfare any animal, or to cause or procure such action. The words "torture" and <br /> "torment" shall be held to include every act, omission or neglect whereby <br /> ~njnstifiable physical pain, suffering or death is caused or permitted; but <br /> such terms shall not be construed to prohibit lawful shooting of birds, deer <br /> and other game for hnman food; nor to prohibit the Animal Control Department or <br /> its agents or veterinarians from destroying dangerous, unwanted or injured <br /> animals in a humane manner; nor to prohibit the lawful use of animals in <br /> scientific research. <br /> <br /> Sec. 6. Confinement, muzzling and control of vicious or danseroas animals. <br /> <br /> It shall be unlawful for any owner to keep aey vicious, fierce or dangeroas <br /> animal within the county, unless it is confined within a secure building or <br /> enclosure, or unless it is securely muzzled and under restraint by a competent <br /> person who, by means of a leash, chain or rope, has such animal firmly under <br /> control at all times. A vicious animal is defined as one that has made an <br /> u~provoked attack on a human or that attacks farm stock and other pets. <br /> <br /> Sec. 7. Animals creatin~ nuisance prohibited from runnin8 at larse. <br /> <br /> it shall be unlawful for the owner, keeper or ~arborer of any dog to permit <br /> <br /> such dog to run at large on aoy p~blic road, street, or highway or spon the <br /> <br /> land o~ any other person without the consent of that person. <br /> <br /> <br />