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CABARRUS COUNTY BOARD oF coMMissIONERS <br /> QUART F~RLY P~WORT <br /> N. C. DIVISION OF FOREST RESOURCES <br /> JANUARY . FEBRUARY - MARCH <br /> 1981 <br /> <br />FOREST b~NAG E~F~T <br /> <br />Received 25 forest management rsquests ~ud bare serviced 23. This consists <br />of forest m~uagement plans made or revised, site prep~ation, planting of <br />tree seedlings, pulpwood marking~ thir_uiag pine stmuds, mud hnrvesting timber. <br />A total of 535 acres was involved. <br /> <br />Twenty-seven acres of Loblo!!y pine pt~tatio~s were marked to be t~ed <br />sold for p~pwood. Nine acres were t~ed~ ~th appro~ately 101 cords cut <br />~d sold to Catawba Timber Comply. This brought about $3~6~6.00 to !~do~ers <br />from the s~e of p~pwood. <br /> <br />Seventy-nine acres were m~k~ for h~vesting; 1~9 acres were cut~ or 868~000 <br />bo~d feet of' t~ber. T~s bro~ht appro~ately ~9,600.00 to l~do~ers <br />from the s~e of sa,~imber~ One hmn~ed ~hirty cords were cut, bringing <br />$4~680.00 to l~do,~ers. T~rty-t~ee acres were cut for fire wood ~d sold <br />to heat homes. T~s was about 575 cords, which brought about $4,725.00 for the <br />s~e o[ fire wood. <br /> <br />Eighty acres of land were prepped for p~ting. ~ghty acres were plated in <br />Loblolly pines. <br /> <br />FI~ WOOD <br /> <br />I assisted eleven l~do~ers in getting fire wood this ~dnter. ~ine l~do~ers <br />have r~uested assist~ce for ne~ ,~nter~s fire wood. <br /> <br />FO~T' INSECTS ~D DIS~S~ <br />The Southern Pine Beetle is still active in Cab~rus Co~ty b~t no new spots <br />have been reported in t~s quoter. T~rte~ requests have been serviced this <br />quoter, s~v~ing 180,000 bo~'d feet of sawlogs ~d 88 cords of p~pwood. <br />This s~e brought about $%~0.00 for sa~imber, ~d $3~168.00 for pulpwood. <br />T~s was beetle-i~ested wood that was either dead or dying. <br /> <br />Ih~O~,~TION iND ~UCATION <br /> <br />~ticles were placed in the'Concord ~ib~e ~d the D~ly Independent concer~ng <br />woods ~d grass fires, debris b~ng ,-' the Assistmut Cowry ~nger, ash dispose, <br />Smokey the'Be~, the b~ on b~ning, ~d the ~ lifting of' the b~. I have qon- <br />tacted radio stations d~ing periods of ~gh forest fire d~ger. A display has <br />been placed in the co~thoase '~d in the Co~ty B~lding ~d is there at the <br />present t~e. We have made t~ee school visits in Cab~s Co~ty; the Fred <br />L. Wilson t~rd grade, ~y~ O~s third grade, ~d Mo~t Pleaser fifth grades. <br />We attended meetings ~th ~s. Doris ~dge's 'Home ~ono~cs ~tension Service <br />~d the Soil ~d Water Conservation District Supervisor's meeting. We <br />attended Bethel Co~ity Cub Scouts meeting. <br /> <br /> <br />