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CONTRACT BETWEEN <br />THE BOA~ OF COUNTY cOMMISSIONERS OF CABARRUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLIN~ <br /> AND <br /> CONCORD ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING, INC., CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA <br /> <br /> This contract~ made and entered into this day of <br /> 1981, by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Cabarrus <br /> County, North Carolina, hereinafter Called and referred to as the <br /> OWNER, and Concord Engineering and Surveying, Inc., Concord, North <br /> Carolina, hereinafter called and referred to as the ENGINEERS. <br /> <br /> WlTNESSETH: <br /> <br /> k~dEREAs, the OWNER has been granted funding under the Housing and <br /> Community Development Act of 1979 and as amended in 1978 by the <br /> U. S~ DePartment of Housing and Urban Development~ for the prOvisien <br /> of a wastewater collection system in the Sidestown/Shankletown com- <br /> munities. <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of certain money amounts <br /> hereinafter specified to be paid to the ENGINEERS by the OWNER, the <br /> ENGINEERS agree to do, at their own cost and expense, all of the <br /> engineering work required to facilitate the design and construction <br /> of the said collection system. <br /> <br /> ARTICLE 1 ENGINEERING $ERVICES (Engineers will perform these Services <br /> <br /> A. The ENGINEERS agree to survey and tie down all property lines <br /> for right-of-way of outfalls (any line located outSide of dedicated <br /> rights-of-way) and service connections. Locate all existing utili- <br /> ties. <br /> <br /> B. Coordinate the project with lodal, state, and federal agencies <br /> and prepare the required documents to secure approval from the <br /> agencies. <br /> <br /> C. Prepare complete construction plans and specifications. Furnish <br /> ten (10) Sets of same. <br /> <br /> D. Prepare a cost estimate of the project~ <br /> <br /> E. Secure encroachments from the North Carolina Department of Trans- <br /> portaion for the wastewater collection system to be located within <br /> the road right-of-way. <br /> <br /> F. ProVide assistance to the O~ERS in advertising for construction <br /> bids, the receipt of bids, tabulate same for ready comparison and <br /> advise, to the best of their ability and judgement, as to the proper <br /> and judicious award of contracts for constrUction work. <br /> <br /> G. Prepare formal contract documents for award of contract~ <br /> <br /> H. Lay out horizontal and vertical control markers for construction <br /> of the collection system. <br /> <br /> I. Observe the work done by the contractor and provide on site obser- <br /> vation of all materials incorporated in the project as required to <br /> keep personal check on the progress and quality of the work perform- <br /> ed by the contractors. <br /> <br /> Jo Prepare and submit to the OWNER for approval, change orders cover- <br /> ing required modifications of the project to suit actual construction <br /> requirements. <br /> <br /> K. Check and advise O~NER on all requests for payment by the contract- <br /> Or. <br /> <br /> L, Upon completion of the Construction work, make a final inspection <br /> and furnish one (1) set of "Construction RecOrd Drawings" to the OWNER. <br /> <br /> M. The ENGINEERS propose and agree to perform the services Provided <br /> for under this Contract with personnel employed by the ENGINEERS and <br /> anticipate no use of subcontractors for the performance of engineering <br /> services provided for in this contract. <br /> <br /> <br />