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C,D. Contract <br />· Page ~2- ' <br /> <br /> ARTICLE II DURATION OF PROJECT <br /> <br /> A. The time for performing the services to complete the work specifi- <br /> ed under the provisions of this contract shall not exceed three hundred <br /> and sixty-five (365) consecutive calander days for the project follow- <br /> ing the date on which this contract is signed. <br /> <br /> B. If, in the absens~ of fault or negligence on the part of the EN- <br /> GINEERS, the performanace of all or any part of the work is suspended, <br /> delayed, or interrupted by any act or failure to act on the part of <br /> the OWNER, contractor or any govermental agency~ or by the OWNER'S <br /> failure to act within a r~asonable time, an adjustment shall be made <br /> by the OWNER in the ENGINEERS' fee for any increase in the ENGINEERS' <br /> costs due to said suspension, delay, or disruption and this contract <br /> shall be modified in writing accordingly. <br /> <br /> ARTICLE III ENGINEERS' FEE <br /> <br /> A. The ENGINEERS agree to perform the services for cost plus fixed <br /> fee, hourly rate, or lump sum not to exceed $24,600 whichever of the <br /> three is the lowest based upon the actual work accomplished. <br /> <br /> B. The OWNER agrees that if OWNER'S orders changes in the project, <br /> which result in an increase or decrease in the scope or nature of <br /> the project after the ENGINEERS produce the construction plans and <br /> specifications, or the OWNER authorizes extra work not enumerated by <br /> this contract, the OWNER will reimburse the ENGINEERS for the addition- <br /> al work involved at the rates stipulated in the Engineers' Proposal <br /> as submitted. Such changes must be ordered by the OWNER in writing <br /> and an adjustment of the project time allowed for. <br /> <br /> ARTICLE IV PAYMENT OF ENGINEERS' FEE <br /> <br /> A. The OWNER agrees to pay to the ENGINEERS, immediately upon sub- <br /> mission of an invoice requesting payment, a sum based on the amount <br /> and value of the work and services performed by the ENGINEERS under <br /> this agreement during the previous four (4) week invoice period. The <br /> ENGINEERS shall prepare an invoice time schedule at the beginning of <br /> the contract period and submit it to the O~lqER for consideration. <br /> <br /> B. The invoice shall contain, at a minimum amount of information, <br /> each chargeable item including workers name, regular labor time, <br /> overtime labor time, project number, and wage rata. Non-labor direct <br /> charge items and direct charge items and in-direct charge items will. <br /> be itemized. <br /> <br /> C. OWNER may ag any time, by ~ritten orderj make changes in the <br /> general scope or term of this agreement. If any change causes an <br /> crease or decrease in the cost to ENGINEERS an equitable adjustment' <br /> shall be mutually agreed upon in writing by OWNER and ENGINEERS. <br /> OWNER shall not be obligated to reimburse ENGINEERS in excess of the <br /> established cost and total compensation amounts and ENGINEERS shall <br /> not be obligated to continue performance under this agreement in ex- <br /> cess of the established cost or total compensation amounts unless and <br /> until OWNER shall have notified ENGINEEKS in writing that the allowable <br /> costs have been increased or the total compensation has been increased <br /> by agreement modification. <br /> <br /> ARTICLE V SERVICES PROVIDED BY OWNER <br /> <br /> A. It is understood and agreed that certain services, if needed, will <br /> he performed and/or furnished by the OWNER. The services shall include <br /> the following: <br /> <br /> 1. Providing full information as to the OWNER'S requirements for <br /> the project. <br /> <br /> 2. Assisting the ENGINEERS by placing at 'their disposal all <br /> available information pertinent to the project that is in the <br /> possession of the OWNER, <br /> <br /> <br />