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Question #20 <br /> <br /> The Cabarrus-Rdwan Growth Center has many unique qualities favorable for an <br />improved quality of life and in turn will encourage greater growth for this area. <br />The uniques'qualities for this growth center will be divided into two parts: <br />Cabarrus County area arid the Rowan County area. Although many qualities will <br />overlap into both counties, it is easier to identify the unique qualities of the <br />growth center by this method. <br /> <br /> Cabarrus County area shows a positive attitude towards growth by the joint <br />effdrt of the local governing bodies and the major industry (Cannon Mills) to <br />establish a regional wastewacer treatment plant. Also, a positive attitude is <br />shown towards active recruitment for the location of major industry in the growth <br />center. Philip Morris ~.S.A. is locating,.just west of Concord on over 2,000 <br />acres, with anticipation of employment initially of approximately 2,500 persons <br />from this area. This gives the area a new industrial and economic base, once <br />totally dependent on the textile industry. <br /> <br /> Transportation routes are favorable with the growth area being divided by <br />Interstate 85 and U.S. 29. Also, Southern Railway is an advantage by fikling <br />the need for transport services. Public transit within the proposed growth center <br />on a fixed route basis is provided by the Kannapolis Transit Company. <br /> <br /> The ufiincorporated city of Kannapolis has demonstrated a positive attitude <br />in several fields in the last few years, This attitude helped in creation of a <br />Kannapolis Sanitary District and a Royal Oaks Sanitary District to provide water <br />and sewer needs of the city. A city school system was also implemented. The other <br />school systems in the area are the Cabarrus County Schools, and the Concord City <br />Schools. A private school, Cabarrus.Academy, is also located in ~he growth area. <br />An important economic development was the establishment of a Chamber of Cotmnerce <br />for Kannapolis. The other Chamber of Commerce in the area is the city of Concord's <br />organization. . <br /> <br /> <br />