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1. Each participating ~ounty will be eligible for a base award of $10,000. <br /> <br /> 2.Ail remaining funds will be participating counties based <br /> on the county youth population between the ages of 10 and 17. <br /> <br /> A county by county b~eakdo~a is attached showing the amount of each county allo- <br /> cation based on participation by all 100 counties. Programs receiving monies <br /> (FY1978 funds) from the county allocation will be assured of a minimum of three <br /> years of funding support unless: · <br /> <br /> a. there is a substantial decrease in Federal funding to the State under <br /> the JJDP Act; or <br /> <br /> applicant fails to comply with the terms and conditions of the award; <br /> or <br /> <br /> c. an applicant fails to receive a satisfactory yearly evaluation by <br /> standards set by the Juvenile Justice Planning Committee and conducted <br /> by the Division of Crime Control Staff. <br /> <br /> These funds may be used for either existing or for new programs which deal <br /> specifically with juvenile delinque~%cy and fall into the attached program <br /> descriptions. Ii%e assurance of a minimum of three years ol funding can only <br /> be given for new programs started with county allocation funds, and it cannot <br /> be e×t,~nded go counties that opt noc to participate in the first year~ Programs <br /> which were originally begun with LE~-k funds may only receive these JJDP funds <br /> for two years under existin2 federal guidelines. The state of North Carolina <br /> is presently trying to hav~ these restrictions lifted. <br /> <br /> In addition to the funds described above, North Carolina received m supple- <br />mental award of $265,000 for FY1978. This "one time only" award will be used <br />to continue previously LE~kA and other federally funded programs tbat can qualify <br />according [o the criteria published in the "Federal Register" on Tuesday, October <br />17, 1978. That criteria is: <br /> <br /> 1. The project has been evaluated and the evaluatiom indicates tbat the <br /> project is effective and is being operated efficiently; <br /> <br /> 2.Discontinuation would have a negative impact on state or local 3uve- <br /> nile activities; and <br /> <br /> 3. The project has demonstrated a good faith effort to obtain funding <br /> elsewuere and intends to continue such efforts over the period of the <br /> <br />Programs applying for these funds must document that they have exhausted all <br />other sources of funding including couoty funds. I would like to empbasize that <br />this $265,000 supplemental money will only be available for one year. A program <br />receiving these fuads should not expect to receive funding under this category <br />again. <br /> <br /> To.assist your county in applying for any of the above funds, the Division <br />of Crime Control has developed an application process and helpful hints guide- <br />line. goth of these have been attached and I would suggest that each be carefully <br />reviewed before beginning any application work. <br /> <br /> <br />