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A major requirement of the Juvenile 3u~tice and Delinquemcy Prevention Act <br />is citize~ involvement. After lengthy discussion, the Juvenile Justice Planning <br />Committee racer-erred to the Gover6or's Crime Commission that m po!i~y on Citizen <br />involvement be ad6pted. This policy was adopted by the Crime Commission and is <br />a requirement that all counties must comply with prior to applying for any Juve- <br />nile Justice and ~e!ihquency Prevention Act funds. This policy is enclosed, <br />and it too Should be carefully reviewed prior to any official county action. <br /> <br /> There is, however, an option to this requirement. Any county that desires <br />to formulate their o~,~ method of insuring citizen involvement can submit their <br />plan to the Division of Crime Control for review and approval by Ehe Juvenile <br />Justice Plan_ming Com~ttee. ~ counny may not proceed with grant application <br />submission until notification 6f approval of their alternate Dian is received. <br /> <br /> I sincarai~ n~pe that you and your fellow county com_nissioners are as <br />excited about nhis new opportunity for federal assistance as the Juvenile Justice <br />Planning Com~.itnee and the Governor's Crime Commission. I am really sorry that <br />there is still so much red tape involved in complying with the federal regulations. <br />Our cop_o, ittee worked hard to reduce this to a bare minimum. We have a wonderful <br />opportunity to maae ~his program into something meaningful for the troubled <br />children of out s~ana. Continued i~ard work will be required, but if we work <br />together, much can be accomplished. <br /> <br /> Sincerely, <br /> <br /> Barbara ~. Sarudy~ Chairperson <br /> Juvenile Justice Planning Co~v~nittee <br /> Governor's Crime Commission <br /> <br /> <br />