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Commissioner ?. Ernest S~.allings introduced the following resolution which was read; <br /> RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE <br /> ROYAL OAKS SANITARY DISTRICT <br /> <br />WHE~, there Yzas filed with the Board of Commiss~ oners forthe County of Ca~ rrus, North Ca~-olina <br /> on J~ly 3~, 1950, a petition for the creation of the Ro~l Oaks Sanitary District, which petition wa <br /> <br /> signed by more than 51% of the resident freeholders within the area described in sai~ petition; <br /> <br /> and <br /> <br /> V~EAS, atter the publ$c hearing on said p~A~hon upon due notice as required by law the State <br /> Board of Health, on March 6, 19~l, adopted a resolution crea~ing and establishing the Royal Oaks <br /> Sanitary District, in Caharrus County, North Carolina, defining its boandaries and declaring the <br /> territory within said boundaries to be a sanitary district; and <br /> <br />W~E~EAS, the boundaries of said district were defined in said resolution and were st forth in said <br /> <br /> petition a s follows: <br /> <br /> "BEGINNING at the northeast corner of the Royal Oak~ Scho~l preper~y in the <br /> southern bou. ndary of Dakota Avenue a~ running along the western boundsry of <br /> said school property south 4½ degrees east, 1, O6~ feet to the center of Thr~e <br /> Mile Branch; thence following the center line of s aid branch as it winds 4,000 <br /> ~eet moFe or less, crossing Mt. Olivet Reed a nd running to a point in the western <br /> bound_~ry of Cannon Boulevard at a culvert; thence north 76 ~degrees east, 1~700 <br /> feet more or less to a point 150 feet east of the line of the eastern boundary cf <br /> Maryland Drive and 150 feet south of the southern boundary of South Park Drive; <br /> thence north 4½ degrees west, 400 feet; thence north 76 degrees east, 700 feet; <br /> thence north 33 degrees east, 555 feet to a po~t, said point being 1%0 feet east <br /> of the eastern boundRry of Concord Lake Road; thence in a straight line north 14½ <br /> degrees west, 4330 feet more or less to a point in the center line of Earnhardt's <br /> Creek, 150 feet north of the northern boundary of Kansas Avenue; thence parallel <br /> to said boundary and 150 feet from it south 5~ degrees west, 1200 feet to a point <br /> in the western boundary of Pennsylvania ~rive; thence no thward along said boundary <br /> north 11 degrees west, 265 feet; thence again parallel to Ea~sas Avenue south 85½ <br /> degrees west, 810 feet more or less t o a point in the eastern boundary of ~aroli~a <br /> Drive; thence south ward along said bo~dary south 4½ degrees ~ast, 84 feet; thenc$ <br /> along lines of the Hoover and Alexander addition, south 85½ degrees west, 240 feet, <br /> south 4½ degrees east, 100 feet, south 76 degrees west, 750 feet, south 14 degrees <br /> east, 325 feet and south 4½ degrees east, 185 feet to a point in t he southern <br /> boundary of Dakota Avenue; thence along said boundary north 85½ degrees east, 165 <br /> feet to the point of beginning;" <br /> <br />and <br /> <br />I~EREAS, it is apparent from the remainder oi~ the description that the word "northeast" in the <br />first line of the above quoted description should be "northwest", aad it is desirable that the <br />records of theBoard ~ Commissioners ard oft he State Bca rd of Health be c~rrected accordingly; <br />nov4 therefore, <br /> <br />BE IT RES~ED by the Board of Commissioners for the County of Cabarrus: <br /> <br /> Section 1. That the North Caroli~a State Board of Health be and it is hereby requested <br /> <br /> <br />