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51,0 <br /> <br /> of annexing the pxoposed texxito~y by the paIk~ood Sanitaxy Distxict,Cabax~usCounty. The joint <br /> public healing having been held in accoxdance wi~h the publication of sa~d notice, on Mmdday, the <br /> 19th day of Januaxy, 1959, at 4:00 P. M., in the ~Winecoff public school building, locaated in the <br /> Paxk~ood Sanita~yDistxict, Cabax~us County, NoIth Caxolina. <br /> <br /> (D) T~a~ at~the said joint public healing, no opposition to t he annexation of the <br /> pxoposed texxitoIy was encountexed. Thexefoxe, the Beaxdof Commissionexs of Caba~xusCounty <br /> and the xepxesentatives of the State Boaxd of Health agxeed that the annexation of the pzoposed <br /> texxitoty should be appxoved. The Board of County Oommissionexs adopted a xesolution to that <br /> effect. Thexefo~e, the xepIesentatives of the State Boaxd of Health stated that t hey would <br /> xecommend to the State Boaxd of Health at thei~ next xegula! meeting that the pxopssed annexation <br /> be appx oved. <br /> <br /> THEreFOrE, BE IT RESOLVED FU~T~ER, that in the opinion of the State Boaxd of Health of Noxth <br /> Carolina, the territory describes!- the said petition should be annexed as paxt' of the Paxk~ood <br /> Sanitaxy District, and that it is for the best interest of the xeaidents and inhabitants of the <br /> said terIitoxy fox the puxpoaa of pzeserving and promoting the health of the co~mamityi~ There~oxe, <br /> the said texIitoxy is hereby annexed and established as paxt of the Paxk~ood Sanitaxy Distxict, <br /> Cabaxxus Oounty, North Caxolina, all in aecoxda~ae with and puzauant to the pxovisions of <br /> ~aaptex 130, Axticle 12, Genexal Stat...ute.s of North..~ax~lina 1957. <br /> <br /> The said extension as descxibed in the said petition ia hexeby described and set out as <br /> follows, to wit: <br /> <br /> Beginning at a point in the center of the Conc~d~Eannap~lis ~t~y, said paint beiag 150 <br /> feet noxth of the noxthexn boundary of Winecoff School Road, and xunning thence in two courses <br /> 150 feet f~om and paxallel ~ith the noxtharn heunda~y of Wineeoff School Rc~i, South 89 de~ees <br /> West 900 feet, South 55 degxees West 1170 feet mole ox less to a point 150 feet noxth cg the <br /> nosthern boundary of Wineoeff ~chool Read and 150 feet ~est ef the ~estexn boundary of L~ex <br /> Stxeet extended; thence a line in two coulees 150 fe~t from and paxallel with the westexn boundax2 <br /> of Linkex $txeet, ~uth 21 1/2 degrees East 550 feet, Seath 29 degrees East 6~% feet ~o~e or less; <br /> thence a line 150 feet fxom and paxallel with the Southexn boundaxy of Stewart Stxeet NoIth 72 1/2 <br /> degrees East 860 feet to a point 150 feet fxe~ the ~estexn beunda~y of School Stxeet extended; <br /> thence a line 150 feet flora and paxallel to the wsstexn boundaxy of School ~txeet extended South <br /> 20 degxeea East 390 feet; thence Molth 33 1/2 degrees EaSt 550 feet mole ox less; t~snce a line <br /> 250 feet fxom and parallel to the westexn boundaxy of the Conco~d-Kannapolis High~ay N~xth 15 1/2 <br /> degxees West 650 feet; thence North 85 1/2 degrees East 265 feet to a point in the cen~elof the <br /> Conco~d-Kannapolis High~ay; thanes ~ith the centex of said Highway NoXth 14 1/2 degxees West 900 <br /> feet mole ox less to the point of Beginnin~ g. <br /> <br /> BE IT FU~T~ Rg~L~, that the Seeretary-:to the State Beard of Health of Nozth Catalina, cause <br /> a cextified copy of these xesolutions to be sent to the Board of Com~tissioners of the Pa~k~ood <br /> Sanitary Dietxict, CabaxzusCounty, No~th Oaxolina, to the end that said Sanitaxy Distlict <br /> Boaxd of O~mmissioners may proceed fu~thex with the completion of the annexation. Fu~thez, lhat a <br /> cextified copy of the resetution be sent to the ~axd of ~e~missi~ners of Caba~xusCounty, Nolth <br /> Caxolina to complete tbeix filed. <br /> <br /> Noxth Car.cigna <br /> Wake County <br /> <br /> I, J.W.R. NoXtOn, State Health Dixeetox df the State of No~th Cazolina, do hereby cextify that the <br /> foregoing is a txus and collect copy of the ~esolution adopted by the Noxth Carolina State Boaxd <br /> of Health at its regutal meeting duly called and held in ~aleigh, Noxth Carolina, on the 3xd day <br /> of March, ~1959, zelative to extending the boundazy l~nes of the Paxk~ood Sanitaxy Distzict <br /> Caba~xus Oounty, M~xth Cazolina . <br /> Dated this 3xd day of Maxch, 1959. <br /> <br /> J.W.~. Noxton, <br /> M.D. <br /> State Health Dixectox <br /> Subscribed and s~orn to befoxeme on <br /> this the 4th day of Malch, 1959. <br /> <br /> Section 2. That the Boaxd of Commissionexs does hexeby declaxe and confixm that: <br /> <br /> (a) The texritoxy descxibed in the afoxesaid xesolution of the North Caxolina State <br /> B~ald of Health is im~lnded in, annexed to and ~ade a paxt of the Paxk~ood Samitary Distxict; <br /> (b) the boundaIies of ~he Paxk~oodSanitaxy Distxict axe extended so as to include said <br /> tew r it o~y; <br /> (c) the said texritoxy is subject to all of the ~ ules, xe~ations and laws of the State <br /> of Noxth Camolina xelating t~' Sanitary Districts; and <br /> (d) the xesidents and inhabitants thexein axe entitled to all of the pxivilegee and lights <br /> accIuing undex and by vixtue of said ~auexation. <br /> Section 3. That the boundaxiss of the Pa~k~oodSanitaxy Distxict, including the texxito~y <br /> descxibed in the afoxeaaid ~esolution of the Nerth Carolina State Boaxd of Health, axe hereby <br /> declared to be as follows: <br /> <br /> BEGINNING at a point in the centex of the Concoxd-Kannapolls Highway, ~td point being 150 <br /> feet north of the no~thexn boundary of Winecoff ~Chool ~oad, and xunning thence in two couxses 150 <br /> feet fxom and paxallel'with the noIthexn boundaxy of Winecoff School Road, South 89 degxees West <br /> 900 feet, South 55 degxees West 1170 feet mole o2 less to a point 150 feet no~th of t~ noxthe~n <br /> <br /> <br />