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McClary made motion, seconded by Gallimore to appoint the lien of Williams <br /> <br /> Wileford and Boge~ as County Attorneys. Vote was'unanimous. <br /> <br /> Chai~nan Haw£ield stated that the appearance of Health DirectoP A~ <br /> <br /> Klimas and garbage haulers p~eviously scheduled for the meeting had b~en <br /> cancelled and that a meeting would be held at the Health Department on Decem- <br /> beryl5 at 7~30 P. M. <br /> <br /> After a discussion concePntng the landfill, County Manage~ Hu~t was <br /> instructed to advertise fo~ landfill bids effectivg Febl-uary l, 1971. <br /> <br /> Chai~nan Hawfield announced that County manager Hu~t had submitted <br /> <br /> a letteP of Pesignation effective JanuaPy l, 197~ and instPucted Vice <br /> ChaiEnan McClary to read the letteP to the boa~d. This lette~ is recorded <br /> on page ~ and becomes a part of these minutes. <br /> <br /> A letter of resignation fPom the one mile pePimete2 zoning board of ad- <br /> <br /> Justment f~om Samuel I. PaPker was Pead to the board and accepted with <br /> <br /> gret, this letter appea~s .On page ~-~-~ and becomes a part of these minutes. <br /> <br />County manageP Hu~t pPesented a ~esolution and agreement between the Cabar~us <br />County Board of Commissioners and N. C. Department of Justice Police In- <br />fei-marion network approving installation of-a tet~uinal and p2inte2 in ~he <br />ShePiff.DepaPtment. This equipment would be used thPough a CentPaltzed <br />Computer system ~fo~ ~the receiving ,and tPa~smittal of info~a~ion b,~ween <br />the Sheri.ff~s Department and the State BuPeau of Investigation, Motor <br />Vehicles, Department of CoPrection, files$ National C~fme i~fe~s~atfen <br />centeP and local law enfoPcement agencies. The equipment would be f~,l-n'i,she~ <br />and maintained by the state of No~th CaPolina fop a pe2iod of one,'yeaP after <br />which the county would asstw~e the Pental cost including maintenance ,of <br />$15~.50 p,e~ month. Chairman Hawfield declared that the (P.I.N.) network <br />was a must and called fo~ ap~Poval of the 2esolution and agreement. James <br />made motion, seconded by Gallimore to adopt the Pesolution and agPeement as <br />presented. Vote was una~imous. <br /> <br /> Mx. Riley Honeycutt, a resident of the RobePta community discussed <br /> <br />with the board opposition f~om the residents of that area to a pPeposed <br /> <br />Mobile Home Park on one of the choice residental sites. Mr. Honeycutt <br /> <br />stated that this installation would ~educe propePty value and asked <br /> <br />for the County to zone the property to limit houses to single family <br /> <br /> <br />