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393 <br /> <br />by Federal and State legislation for the specific purpose of "extending" the <br />educational service of the University to the people of the State on subjects <br />relating to agriculture, home economics, 4-H and youth, and community and <br />natural resource development. The laws creating Extension were specifically <br />designed to ensure that the findings of research in these areas were <br />eommunicated to the people. Under the Appropriations Act of 1972 funds were <br />provided to the 1862 Land Grant Universities to enhance the extension outreach <br />of the 1890 Universities, of which A & T State University is one. The Food <br />and Agriculture Act of 1977 stipulated that these funds would be appropriated <br />directly to the 1890 Institutions and formalized the Extension program as an <br />official part of. the School of Agriculture at this institution. However, to <br />provide effective coordination, administrative contacts will be handled by <br />the county and district chairmen of North Carolina State University with <br />appropriate attention given to A & T State university personnel. <br /> <br />Legislation provided that Agricultural Extension work be a partnership among <br />th=ee levels of government--Federal, State and County. Extension Agents are <br />officially appointed as members of the U. S. Department of Agriculture and <br />charged with carrying out educational work of'the department. Upon acceptance <br />by the Board of County Commissioners, they are also designated as field faculty <br />members of either North Carolina State University, With professional rank, or <br />A & T State University. <br /> <br />To assure that educational programs offered by Agricultural Extension at both <br />land-grant institutions meet the needs of local clientele, it is important that <br />both elected and appointed officials of each level of government understand <br />their respective responsibilities and relationships in the conduct of this <br />work. <br /> <br />Responsibilities and Relationships <br /> <br />The North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service and the A & T State <br />Agricultural Extension Program will: <br /> <br />1. Establish minimum requirements and qualifications for employment in Extension <br /> work. <br />2. Receive and examine applications for employment. <br />3. Interview and screen applicants to determine their qualifications and <br /> availability. <br />4. Recommend to the County Commissioners qualified applicants for appointment <br /> to vacant or new Extension positions.' <br />5. Recommend the salaries of Extension agents and paraprofessionals. <br />6. Recommend the salaries of Extension secretaries and pay the State portion <br /> according to the State Personnel Pay Plan~ <br />7. Determine jointly with the County Board of Commissioners the share of salaries <br /> to be paid by each and provide the State and Federal share of these salaries. <br />8. Prepare and submit an annual budget request to the Board of Commissioners <br /> for the county's share of funds for salaries and operating expenses. <br />9. Provide funds for official travel necessary in the conduct of Extension work <br /> to the extent that funds are available and for purposes authorized by State <br /> and Federal policies. <br />10. Provide Extension agents with official envelopes, bulletins (designated for <br /> free distribution), leaflets', and other publications for educational purposes. <br />11. Accept responsibility and provide the leadership for administration and <br /> supervision for Extension programs and personnel, including compliance with <br /> the requirements of Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity <br /> guidelines. <br />12. Develop and administer a personnel management plan that will provide for: <br /> a. The annual review of each worker's performance. <br /> b. CoUn.selingfor job improvement where needed. <br /> c. Periodic county program reviews. <br /> 13. Provide a staff of specialists to continuously train agents in current <br /> technology and other changes affecting agriculture, home economics, 4-H and <br /> youth, community and natural resource development and to assist them in the <br /> conduct of work in these areas. <br /> 14. Provide Extension workers with training programs as needed to maintain effective <br /> program delivery. <br /> 15. Develop and maintain a County Advisory Leadership System to insure that county <br /> Extension to insure that county Extension programs are based on the particular <br /> needs of people in their respective county. <br /> <br /> <br />