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BC 1983 11 30
Public Meetings
Meeting Minutes
BC 1983 11 30
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Last modified
4/30/2002 3:12:52 PM
Creation date
11/27/2017 12:33:06 PM
Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes - Date
Board of Commissioners
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439 <br /> <br />AREA II <br /> <br /> Beginning at a point 500 feet north of the Miami Church Road (SR 1132)/ <br />U.S. 601 intersection (point 1) at a point 500 feet east of U.S. 601; thence <br />following a line 500 feet east of the centerline of U.S. 601 to the north <br />side of Vanderburg Estates Subdivision (point 2); thence east, south and <br />west with the subdivision boundary to a point in the southern boundary of <br />the subdivision 500 feet east of the centerline of U.S. 601 (point 3); <br />thence continuing on a line 500 feet east of U.S. 601 south to Anderson <br />Creek (point 4); thence bearing east with the centerline of Anderson Creek <br />to its confluence with Rocky River (point 5); thence with the centerline of <br />Rocky River in a southerly direction to a point 500 feet south of the River <br />Road bridge over Rocky River (point 6); thence in a northwesterly direction <br />in a line 500 feet south of River Road to its intersection with U.S. 601; <br />thence south with the centerline of U.S. 601 to the intersection of Wallace <br />Road (SR 1119) (point 7); thence westerly with the centerline of Wallace <br />Road to its intersection with Bethel Avenue Extension (SR 1117); thence <br />south with the centerline of Bethel Avenue to Ben Black Road (SR 1118); <br />thence following the centerline of Ben Black Road west to the Cabarrus/ <br />Mecklenburg County line (point 8); thence with the Mecklenburg/Cabarrus <br />County line west to a point 500 feet north of the centerline of Flowes Store <br />Road (SR 1132) (point 9); thence following a line 500 feet west of Flowes <br />Store Road north to a point 500 feet north of N.C. 24-27; thence following <br />a line 500 feet north of N.C. 24-27 east to a point 500 feet west of <br />U.S. 601; thence north following a line 500 feet west of U.S. 601 to a <br />point 500 feet north of the Flowes Store/U.S. 601 intersection; thence <br />bearing east to the point of beginning. <br /> <br />AREA III <br /> <br /> Beginning at a point on the centerline of Coldwater Creek at the <br />N.C. 73 bridge over Coldwater Creek (point 1); thence with the centerline <br />of Coldwater Creek for 3,000 feet in a southerly direction to a point in <br />the creek; thence in a straight line due east to a point in the centerline <br />of Crestmont Drive (SR 2643); thence in a northerly direction with Crestmont <br />Drive to a point 500 feet south of N.C. 73 (point 3); thence east on a line <br />500 feet south of N.C. 73 to a point 2,000 feet west of the N.C. 73/Cold <br />Springs Road (SR 2411) (point 4) intersection; thence south in a line <br />2,000 feet west of Cold Springs Road to the centerline of Hess Road (SR 2640) <br />(point 5); thence with the centerline of Hess Road in an easterly direction <br />to the centerline of Cold Springs Road (point 6); thence south following <br />the centerline of Cold Springs Road to the Cold Springs Road/N.C. 49 <br />(point 7) intersection; thence with the centerline of N.C. 49 in a north- <br />westerly direction to the intersection of Walker Road (SR 2630)/N.C. 49 <br />(point 8); thence bearing in a northerly direction with the centerline of <br />Walker Road to the centerline of N.C. 73 (point 9); thence in a westerly <br />direction with the centerline of N.C. 73 to the N.C. 73 (point 10)/ <br />St. Johns Church Road (SR 2414) intersection; thence in a northerly direction <br />with the centerline of St. Johns to the St. Johns Church Road/Gold Hill <br />Road (SR 2408) intersection; thence with the centerline of Gold Hill Road <br />west to the Little Coldwater Creek bridge; thence running in a southwesterly <br />direction, a straight line to the point where the centerline of an existing <br />AT&T right-of-way crosses Neisler Road (SR 2404) (point 12); thence with <br />the AT&T right-of-way in a southwesterly direction to the centerline of <br />N.C. 73; thence with the centerline of N.C. 73 in a westerly direction to <br />the point of beginning. <br /> <br /> Chairman Nash opened the hearing for any comments regarding the <br />proposed district. <br /> Mr. R. G. Sanders spoke of the poor water quality in the area of <br />Bethel Avenue Extension and Ben Black Road and the need for the use of <br />expensive water purification systems by residents in that area. He asked <br />that Area 2 of the proposed water and sewer district be enlarged in a <br />southerly direction to include approximately 14 families in that area. <br /> Mr. Don Smith of the Freedom Acres subdivision praised the Board's <br />attempt to provide water to that area. He questioned the feasibility of <br />installing sewer lines with the water lines along Highway 29, but was advised <br /> <br /> <br />
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