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April 15, 2013 (Regular Meeting) Page 1500 <br />Adopted this the 15 day of April, 2013. <br />/s/ Elizabeth F. Poole <br />Elizabeth F. Poole, Chairman <br />Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners <br />(C -10) Planning and Development - Soil and Water Conservation District - <br />2013 Soil and Water Stewardship Week Proclamation <br />Chairman Poole read the proclamation proclaiming April 28 - May 5, 2013 <br />as Soil and Water Stewardship Week aloud. <br />Ned Hudson, Soil and Water Conservation District Secretary - Treasurer, <br />presented an overview of the Soil and Water Conservation District, announced <br />the District's kick -off of its 50 Anniversary Celebration in August and <br />thanked the Board for their support. <br />UPON MOTION of Vice Chairman White, seconded by Commissioner Burrage <br />and unanimously carried, the Board adopted the following proclamation: <br />Proclamation No. 2013 -09 <br />Stewardship Week <br />2013 <br />P R O C L A M A T I O N <br />Whereas fertile soil and clean water provide us with our daily <br />sustenance, and <br />Whereas effective conservation practices have helped provide us a rich <br />standard of living, and <br />Whereas our security depends upon healthy soil and clean water, and <br />Whereas stewardship calls for each person to help conserve these <br />precious resources, <br />Therefore, I do hereby proclaim <br />April 28 to May 5, 2013 <br />Soil and Water Stewardship Week <br />s/ Elizabeth F. Poole Chairman, Board of Commissioner April 15, 2013 <br />Name Title Date <br />(D) INFORMAL PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Chairman Poole opened the meeting for Informal Public Comments at 7:07 <br />p.m. She stated each speaker would be limited to three minutes. <br />Price Crutchfield, resident of 592 Love Street in Concord, expressed <br />dissatisfaction with the Title V Senior Community Employment Program and <br />members of the Concord Police Department. <br />Jo Ann Widenhouse, resident of Midland, spoke on behalf of her brother, <br />William Scott White. She stated he relies on services provided by the county <br />that are slated to be cut. She also stated these services allow him to <br />reside in his own home. She urged the Board to reconsider cutting the <br />program funding. <br />Astronomical Society of Rowan - Cabarrus members Rick Starnes, Ralph <br />Deal, Alice Deal and Dave Godman spoke in support of restoring the <br />planetarium at Central Cabarrus High School. <br />William Arnold, resident of 10112 Starwood Drive in Charlotte, <br />expressed concern over speeding and disregard for speed limits within the <br />Cabarrus Woods subdivision. He presented traffic analysis reports and a <br />petition from residents requesting a formal traffic study be conducted to aid <br />in resolving the issue. <br />Glenn Sellers, resident of 133 Birnamwood Drive in Concord and former <br />volunteer fireman, spoke in regards to a potential fire tax increase for the <br />Mt. Pleasant Rural Fire District. He expressed concerned over the requested <br />increase and urged the Board that the increased fire tax was not needed. <br />