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May 5, 2008 (Work Session) Page 816 <br />administer the 2006-2009 HOME program. She reported a Request for <br />Qualifications was issued by the County. She said three firms were notified <br />directly and the notice was placed on the County's website. Although two <br />firms replied with proposals, (Centralina COG and Hobbs, Upchurch and <br />Associates), she recommended the COG administer the program based on their <br />experience. <br />UPON MOTION of Commissioner Privette, seconded by Commissioner Carruth <br />and unanimously carried, the Board voted to place the selection of <br />administrative services provider for 2008-2009 HOME Program grant on the May <br />19, 2008 Agenda as a Consent item. <br />Commerce Department - Proposed Text Amendment (C2007-09-ZT) to the Cabarrus <br />County Zoning Ordinance <br />Susie Morris, Planning and Zoning Manager, presented information on a <br />proposed text amendment (C2007-09-ZT River/Stream Overlay Zone) to the <br />Cabarrus County Zoning Ordinance, that was approved by the Planning and <br />Zoning Commission onApril 17, 2006. She reported the purpose of this text <br />amendment is to clarify language related to protective stream and waterbody <br />buffers and to ensure that the terms of the Interbasin Transfer (IBT) are <br />being met. She also stated a public hearing is needed. <br />Commissioner Privette MOVED to place Proposed Text Amendment (C2007-09- <br />ZT) to the Cabarrus County Zoning Ordinance on the May 19,. 2008 Agenda as a <br />New Business item, including a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. Commissioner <br />Mynatt seconded the motion. <br />Ms. Morris responded to questions from the Board related to posting the <br />proposed text on the County's website. After a short discussion with Ms. <br />Morris and Jonathan Marshall, Commerce Director, on current dissemination <br />methods, the Board asked the Commerce Department to provide the proposed text <br />amendment and public hearing notification to the association electronically. <br />John Day, County Manager, pointed out this amendment affects land owners as <br />well as developers. <br />The MOTION unanimously carried. <br />Commerce Department - Proposed Text Amendment C2008-02-ZT to the Cabarrus <br />County Zoning Ordinance <br />Susie Morris, Planning and Zoning Manager, presented information on a <br />proposed text amendment (C2008-02-ZT) to the Cabarrus County Zoning <br />Ordinance. She stated the purpose of this text amendment is to clarify <br />language related to the administration of the minor subdivision exemption <br />standards. She stated a public hearing is needed. <br />UPON MOTION of :Commissioner Privette, seconded by Commissioner Carruth <br />and unanimously carried, the Board voted to place Proposed Text Amendment <br />C2008-02-ZT to the Cabarrus County Zoning Ordinance on the May 19, 2006 <br />Agenda as a New Business item, including a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. <br />On a separate note, Ms. Morris presented an updated version of the <br />Subdivision Lot Inventory to the Board. She stated the spreadsheet includes <br />an additional column identifying the date the Consent Agreement was approved. <br />Cabarrus County Fire Marshal's Office Recommended Boundary Changes to the <br />Midland and Flowes Stbre Fire Insurance Districts <br />Steve Langer, .Cabarrus County Fire Marshal, presented information <br />relative to the Cabarrus County Fire Marshal's Office proposed boundary <br />changes to the Midland and Flowes Store Fire Insurance Districts. In <br />accordance with notification requirements in Senate Bill 386, he asked to <br />have this item placed on the June Agenda for a public hearing. He explained <br />that the County chanced district boundaries last year at the request of the <br />State; any residence 'beyond six miles from a station was considered to be in <br />a Class 10 unprotected area; and insurance premiums for homeowners in this <br />area increase significantly. He reported this issue was partly corrected by <br />redistricting existing fire insurance boundaries. Using a visual aid, he <br />identified the remaining 61 homes which were originally included in the <br />unprotected areas of Midland, Flowes Store, and Odell, are now covered by the <br />new Midland Fire Department, which opens in two weeks. He further reported <br />that homeowners' insurance premiums should be lowered considerably. He also <br />responded to questions from the Board. <br />