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October 20, 2008 (Regular Meeting) Page 991 <br />Carney, Charles Little, Mary Watts, Brenda Johnson, Tony McMillion, and Bi11 <br />Withrow. <br />(D) INFORMAL PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Chairman White opened the meeting for Informal Public Comments at 6:97 <br />p.m. He stated each speaker would be limited to three minutes. <br />Marilyn Barnhardt, resident of 5800 Walbash Lane in Concord, expressed <br />opposition towards forced annexation. She also expressed disapproval of her <br />property revaluation, noting her home and land has appreciated in value. <br />Fred Wa11y, resident of 10800 Mooresville Road in Davidson, asked if <br />New Business item G-7 regarding a request from the Economic Development <br />Corporation for the endorsement of a certified site includes the endorsement <br />of rezoning. Chairman White responded that said item does not include an <br />issue of rezoning. Mr. Wally then commented on the North Carolina Highway 3 <br />corridor study update. He expressed opposition to any future right-of-way or <br />viewshed buffer on N.C. Highway 3, noting the increase of development and <br />traffic, and a decrease in home values. <br />Jerry Williamson, resident of 92 Marsh Avenue NW in Concord, expressed <br />appreciation to the Commissioners for their hard work. He questioned the <br />need for the County Attorney to be present at meetings. He also commented on <br />the following issues: the implementation of a structured settlement for <br />Speedway Motorsports, Inc.; the need for gas conservation; and the increase <br />of property taxes. <br />With there being no one else to address the Board, Chairman White <br />closed that portion of the meeting. <br />(E) OLD HUSINE33 <br />None. <br />(F) CONSENT AGENDA <br />(F-1) Aging - Approval of Family Caregiver Support Pro ram Contract and <br />Budget Amendment for Additional Grant Funde <br />The Department of Aging requests the approval of the FY 09 Family <br />Caregiver Support Program contract with Centralina Council of Governments and <br />Area Agency on Aging, which provides grant funding by the Older American's <br />Act, provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services through the <br />N.C. Division of Aging and Adult Services. Funds provide and enhance respite <br />services to area residents. A budget amendment appropriating additional <br />grant funds of $3,795.00 above the budgeted amount is included. Total <br />funding for FY 09 is $42,792.00. <br />UPON MOTION of Commissioner Carruth, seconded by Vice Chairman Juba and <br />unanimously carried, the Board approved the contract between Cabarrus County <br />and Centralina Council of Governments and authorized the County Manager to <br />execute the contract on behalf of Cabarrus County, subject to revisions by <br />the County Attorney. By the same vote, the Board adopted the following <br />budget amendment: <br />BUDGET REVISION/AMENDMENT REQUEST <br />DEPARTMENT OF AGING <br />AMOUNT: $2,529.00 <br />TYPE OF ADJUSTMENT: Supplemental Request <br />PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Adjust expected revenue from CCOG contract ($92,792.00) <br />for FY09 and associated expenses for Family Caregiver Support Program to <br />match actual contract amount. <br />Account No. <br />00165760-6244 <br />Caregiver Grant <br />00195760-9917-CGSP <br />Caregiver Support <br />Present <br />Aooroved Budget <br />$38,997.00 <br />$13,713.00 <br />tract for Title V <br />Increase Decrease Revised Budget <br />$3,795.00 $42,792.00 <br />$3,795.00 <br />$17,508.00 <br />