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<br />August 14, 2006 (Agenda Work Session) <br /> <br />Page <br /> <br />35 <br /> <br />John Day, County Manager, <br />meeting, the Board asked the <br />information regarding the County's <br /> <br />said at <br />County <br />Property <br /> <br />the June 19 <br />Attorney to <br />Tax Assistance <br /> <br />County Commissioner <br />provide additional <br />Grant program. <br /> <br />Richard Koch, <br />Attorney General's <br />grant program. <br /> <br />County Attorney, <br />office to provide <br /> <br />reported he as ked the North <br />an advisory opinion on the <br /> <br />Carolina <br />County's <br /> <br />There was a brief discussion on the challenge of securing large tracts <br />of land for future sChool sites and the possibility of having an exemption <br />granted for options on future school sites. <br /> <br />Mr. Koch reported all classifications of property for tax purposes are <br />set by the General Assembly, including exemptions. <br /> <br />Recommendation on Implementation of Pilot Immiqration Program with Turner <br />Construction Company <br /> <br />John Day, County Manager, commented on the Basic Pilot Employment <br />Verification Program initiated by the Department of Homeland Security. He <br />said employers may enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the <br />Department of Homeland Security for the use a database that matches the <br />following information: employee's first and last name, Social Security <br />number, date of birth, hire date, citizenship status, alien or 1-9 Employment <br />Eligibility Verification form number, etc. He explained once the information <br />is entered into the database and a match is found, the employer receives a <br />notice to that affect. Mr. Day referenced an e-mail he received from Brian <br />Schick, Business Development Manager with Turner Construction Company, <br />regarding the request to implement the Basic Pilot Employment Program. The <br />e-mail said although Turner Construction Company supports the spirit of the <br />program, Turner is working through the following issues with the Department <br />of Homeland Security: (1) whether the program is site specific or applies to <br />all Turner job sites; (2) whether Turner can require subcontractors to <br />participate in the program and whether or not subcontractors will bid on <br />projects if they have to participate in the program. Mr. Day stated there is <br />some indication that some subcontractors will not bid on proj ects if they <br />have to participate in the program. If subcontractors are required to <br />participate in this program, he said there will be fewer subcontractors <br />bidding, which will result in an increased construction cost for the jail <br />proj ect. <br /> <br />There was a brief discussion on the use of a credit check to verify <br />citizenship. <br /> <br />Authorization to Establish Jail Commissary Checking Account and Authorize <br />Chief Deputy Paul Hunt to Have Custody of a Facsimile Stamp <br /> <br />Pam Dubois, Deputy County Manager, reported the Sheriff's Department <br />contracted with the Keefee Group for a j ail commissary service. She said <br />this service provides software that will automate the handling of inmate <br />funds collected at the time of incarceration, purchases or deposits made <br />during their confinement and will release the balance of funds to the inmate <br />upon departure. She said in accordance with General Statute 159-28.1, she is <br />permitted to have a facsimile stamp, but must have authorization from the <br />Board before giving the stamp to someone else. She said allowing Chief <br />Deputy Paul Hunt to have custody of a facsimile stamp would enable the <br />Sheriff's Department to issue checks to inmates upon their release. She also <br />said Chief Hunt is bonded and will be liable for any illegal, improper or <br />unauthorized use of the stamp. The establishment of a checking account <br />specifically for maintaining inmate funds is also required. <br /> <br />UPON MOTION of Vice Chairman Juba, seconded by Commissioner Freeman and <br />unanimously carried, the Board voted to place the request to establish a Jail <br />Commissary Checking Account and to permit Chief Deputy Paul Hunt to have <br />custody of a facsimile stamp on the August 21, 2006 Agenda as a Consent Item. <br /> <br />Cabarrus Community Ca~e Plan - Renewal Contract <br /> <br />John Day, Coun1;y Manager, reported a $100,000.00 is included in this <br />year's budget for renewal of the Cabarrus Community Care Plan contract. He <br />said based on data from the Department of Social Service, this program saves <br />the County a great deal of money by reducing Medicaid expenses. <br /> <br />UPON MOTION of Commissioner Freeman, seconded by Vice Chairman Juba and <br />unanimously carried, the Board voted to place the renewal contract for the <br />Cabarrus Community Care Plan on the August 21, 2006 Agenda as a Consent Item. <br />