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<br />May 23, 2005 - Regular Meeting <br /> <br />Page <br /> <br />174 <br /> <br />frem CeRtral Caaarrus High 8eheel. 8tatieR 3 ie leeatee. eR JaekeeR 8treet iR <br />"e"Rt PleasaRt aRe. Beverage fer the Rartheast seetiaR af the ea"Rty. <br />8tatieR 1 preseRtly eperates aut af FielElBrest CaRRaR'S Fire 8tatieR aR llarth <br />l.eep Reae. aRe. eerves the RertherR part ef KaaRapelia aRe. the aerth\:est <br />seet-isB af 'the GeHRt.}". t::t.atisa 7 is staffea at. CeReera Fire OtatisB sa <br />pitte 8Bhaal Raae. aRe. Bevers the "esterR part ef the Ce"at}.. 8tatiea 8 is <br />staffee. at lIie.laae. Yel"Rteer 8tatiea eR Iligffi..ay 681, 8o"th aae. Bevers t.he <br />caut.aerfl meat part af Ehe GeuBty. Preseatly our avera!e res130nse time is <br />less t.haa five (5) The primary goal of an emergency medical service <br />system is to reduce the probability of death of a victim by providing <br />trained, well-equipped personnel at the scene of an accident or illness in a <br />prompt, efficient, and coordinated manner. ResearBh stue.ies iadieat.e that. 58 <br />pereeRt Bf thase ',Iha from tra"matie iRj"ries eut.side t.he <br />emer~efley aepartmeRt.. CeyeRty pereeat af sur aatisa1a traffie fatalities <br />aBB"r ia r"ral areas, he',lever, rural areas represeRt eRly 18 pereeat af the <br />aat.ieR's pap"latiaR. The ACT FouRe.atiaR (ae.":aReed BaroRary t.reatmeRt) <br />reported taat, tae saaaee fer reeo7cry sf a vietim iR ~eRtrieHlar <br />fiarillat.ieR (a ferm ef eare.iae arrest) ie 25 e"t ef 188, "..heR the mee.ieal <br />..espeRse t.ime is "it.hiR five The rate drape t.a 1 aut af 188 '....eR t.he <br />mediasl response time is tea minutos. A 7ictim af earaiaearreet mal' aie in 1 <br />C minutes. It is :aet eesaemieally feasible te 8J?erate ana maintain aa <br />aml3ulaase scnrieeiR e.:ery tor.m aHa jaastisa ia the eSl:lRty. IIs'.:o."or, I4.-t is <br />most desirable to have medically trained personnel located in close proximity <br />to the citizens so that life sustaining. measures may be given in the first <br />few minutes after the occurrence of an accident or illness. A first responder <br />program is a logical and economically feasible way to ensure that prehospital <br />care is available to the rural citizens in the first minutes when life or <br />death may be decided. <br />(Ord. of 12-7-92 (2), ~ 1) <br /> <br />Sec. 26-52. Requirements for certification of a first responder agency or an <br />individual first responder. <br />(a) No agency or department shall furnish, operate, conduct, maintain, <br />advertise, be engaged in or profess to be engaged in service as a first <br />responder agency unless that agency holds a currently valid certificate to <br />operate as a first responder issued by the Ceounty Ddepartment of Eemergency <br />M11edical sservices and approved by the eounty Cabarrus County Beoard of <br />Ceommissioners or its designated representative. <br />(b) No person shall operate, conduct, maintain, advertise, be engaged in or <br />profess to be engaged in business or service of a first responder unless that <br />person is affiliated with a certified first responder agency and holds a <br />currently valid medical responder certification issued through the Setate <br />Oeffice of Eemergency M11edical SServices. (Ord. of 12-7-92(2), ~ 2) <br />Ie) All first responder medical agencies will operate under the County <br />Emergency Medical System Plan. <br /> <br />Sec. 26-53. Application and granting process for certification as a first <br />responder or an individual first responder, <br />(a) Application for a certificate to operate as a first responder agency in <br />the county by an applicant agency shall be filed with the Ceounty Ddepartment <br />of Eemergency M11edical SServices. This application shall be made upon such <br />forms as may be prepared by the Ceounty Ddepartment of Eemergency M11edical <br />Seervices and shall contain: <br />(1) The name and address of the applicant agency. <br />(2) The fire district in which it will operate. <br />(3) A plan describing how the agency will respond when dispatched on first <br />responder calls. <br />(4) Any information the Ceounty Ddepartment of Eemergency M11edical sservices <br />shall deem reasonably necessary for a fair determination of the <br />capacity/abili ty of the applicant agency to provide first responder service <br />in the service area in accordance with county requirements. <br />(b) Upon receipt of an application approved by the Ceounty Ddepartment of ~ <br />Eemergency M11edical Seervices, the advisory board will forward such <br />applications to the Cabarrus Ceounty board of eommissioners for their <br />approval. <br />(c) The Cabarrus Ceounty Beoard of ceommissioners shall approve or disapprove <br />all applications for first responder agency status and grant certificates to <br />operate as a first responder agency in the county. <br />(d)" Application for a certificate to function as an individual first <br />responder in the county by an applicant shall be filed with the Ceounty <br />Ddepartment of Eemergency M11edical seervices by the applicant, fire chief or <br />his/her designee with proper approval from the Ceorporate Beoard of <br />Ddirectors. This application shall be made upon such forms prepared by the <br />Ceounty Ddepartment of Eemergency M11edical Seervices and shall contain: <br />(1) The name, age, social security number, driver's license number, and <br />address of the applicant individual. <br />