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282 <br /> <br />Density Residential to Low Density Residential - Special Use, to permit a double <br />wide mobile home on the property. Commissioner Mills seconded the motion, and the <br />Board voted unanimously to approve Petition 97-05. <br /> <br />Findings of Fact <br /> <br />The surrounding residential is low density and the proposal for two <br />dwelling units on 8.7 acres is consistent with the developed <br />density. <br /> <br />The area includes a mix of manufactured housing, site built housing <br />and small businesses. The proposal is consistent with the existing <br />development. <br /> <br />The cities of Kannapolis and Concord have only had minor annexations <br />in this area and no public utility services have been extended. The <br />proposal for low density development is consistent with public <br />service levels and development trends. <br /> <br />Zoning Atlas Amendment {Petttion 97-06} - Public Heartn~ - 7:00 P.M. <br /> <br />Petition 97-06. R. C. Harris, Owner and Doug Foster, Petitioner, <br />Map/PIN 4681-49-5378, approximately 7.3 acres off N.C. Highway 73 <br />West near Odell School Road. Wish to rezone from Low Density <br />Residential to Limited Commercial. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ltnda Giltz, Planner, presented Petition 97-06, including the location <br />of the property, findings and compatibility with other ordinances and the staff <br />analysis. The petitioner wishes to build a gas station on the front part of the <br />property and a small office building on the back part of the property. The <br />petitioner has changed his request from General Commercial to Limited Commercial <br />since the Planning and Zoning Commission hearing. Since there is Limited <br />Commercial property located across the street from the property, staff <br />recommended approval of the rezoning request. Ms. Giltz submitted a petition <br />signed by the following area residents in opposition to the rezoning: Jerald <br />Steiner, Deborah Stetner, Teresa Coltrane, Ann Morrison and Thomas H. Coltrane. <br /> <br /> Mr. Hill advised that the Planning and Zoning Commission had approved the <br />rezoning, to General Commercial by a 5-4 vote on March 20. He stated in his <br />opinion the issue would not be before the Board at this time if the original <br />petition had requested Limited Commercial. <br /> <br /> Chairman Casper opened the public hearing for Petition 97-06 at 7:50 P.M. <br />and asked if anyone were present who wished to address the Board regarding the <br />requested rezoning. <br /> <br /> Mr. John Rape, adjacent property owner, opposed the rezoning. He expressed <br />concerns about the proximity of the proposed gas station to his property and to <br />the elementary school. <br /> <br /> Mr. Jerry Steiner, area resident, opposed the rezoning. He expressed <br />concern about the proposed location of a gas station on the property. <br /> <br /> Mr. Douglas Foster, Petitioner of 8752 Overcash Road, Concord, spoke in <br />support of the rezoning. He stated that the school and lighted ballfield, high <br />traffic volume and proximity to the Odell Volunteer Fire Department make the <br />property inappropriate for residential purposes. Mr. Foster advised that he has <br />no plans for outside storage on the property. <br /> <br /> Mr. David McCord, resident of 8851 Harris Road and real estate broker <br />representing the owner, listed the following restrictions on the residential <br />development of the property: major thoroughfare, close proximity to the sewer <br />treatment facility for Odell School, lighted ballfield, activities of the fire <br />department and the location of limited commercial property across the street. <br /> <br /> There was no one else who wished to address the Board, and Chairman Casper <br />closed the public hearing. <br /> <br /> Commissioner Niblock made a motion to approve the Zoning Atlas Amendment <br />Petition 97-06 and stated the following findings of fact: The property is located <br />on a major highway and the rezoning will be compatible with similar uses and <br />businesses in the neighborhood. The motion was seconded by Commissioner <br />Barnhart, and voting was as follows: <br /> <br /> <br />