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168 <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Gasper with <br />Commissioners Fennel, Casper, and Payne and Chairman Barnhart voting for and <br />Commissioner Carpenter voting against, the Board approved the following Standard <br />Operation Procedures for Cabarrus County Animal Control. <br /> <br />Cabarrus County Animal Control <br />Standard Operation Procedures <br /> <br />Purpose: <br /> <br />II. <br /> <br />III. <br /> <br />VI. <br /> <br />IV. <br /> <br />To provide guidelines in the use of rifle and shotgun <br />when putting to death animals in an attempt to seize. <br />If in the considered judgement of any Animal Control <br />Officer, an attempt to seize an animal would be <br />dangerous to the person attempting that seizure, then <br />and only then shall an Animal Control Officer be <br />authorized to humanely put the animal to death. It is <br />the intent of this section to note that killing an <br />animal is to be done only after every reasonable effort <br />has been made to seize the animal and only after all <br />other procedures are judged impossible. <br />Steps Leading to Putting an Animal to Death While Trying to <br />Seize <br />a. All steps should be followed in the order as listed <br /> below. Only then, after all steps have been <br /> unsuccessful, authorization will be given only by the <br /> Animal Control Supervisor for the Animal Control Officer <br /> to discharge their weapon for the euthanization of the <br /> animal. <br />Fails to come to an officer so a leash can be used or <br />handled. <br />c. Can not catch with a control pole. <br />d. Will not go into a trap. <br />e. Will not eat baited food. <br />f. Use of tranquilization guns has failed to capture. <br />g. Animal is presenting an immediate threat to the safety <br /> of a person, other animals, or presents the same level <br /> of threat towards substantial property damage. <br /> Statutory Authority <br />G.S.67-3 Sheep killing dogs to be killed <br />G.S.67-14 Mad dogs, dogs killing sheep, etc., may be killed <br />G.S.130A-195 Destroying stray dogs and cats in quarantine districts <br />Use of Weapons <br />Officers shall not use or handle weapons in a careless or <br />imprudent manner. <br />Officers will not fire a warning shot. <br />Officers shall not use weapons in violation of law or <br />departmental procedures. <br />Safety <br />a. Treat all guns as if they are loaded. <br />b. Never use the weapon as a club or hammer. <br />c. Do not throw the weapon in any manner. <br />d. Never hand a loaded weapon to anyone. <br />e. If someone hands you an unloaded weapon, make sure it is <br />unloaded, do not take their word for it, check to be <br />sure. <br />f. Never take the weapon for granted. <br />g. Warning shots are never allowed. <br />h. Keep the weapon pointed up at port arms or down range at <br /> all times. <br />i. Keep your fingers off the trigger until the decision to <br /> fire has been made. <br />j. Always know what your target is and be aware of its <br /> environment. <br />Discharge of Firearm <br />An Officer will file a written report to the Health Director <br />or his/her designee on any discharge of firearms, other than <br />training, within eight (8) hours of the incident. <br /> Possible Disciplinary Action <br /> a. When a firearm is fired, the employee involved may be <br /> suspended without pay by the Health Director until a <br /> <br />bo <br /> <br /> <br />