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11 <br /> <br /> Bid Cert. Total <br />Vendor Bomd Check Extended Price <br />Roberts Uniforms X $12,300.00 <br />R & R Uniforms, Inc. X $11,525.00 <br />~erican Uniform Sales, Inc. X $11,212.40 <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Simmons, seconded by Chairman Carpenter and <br />unanimously carried, the Board awarded the bid for the Sheriff's Department <br />Uniforms to the low bidder, American Uniform Sales, in the amount of $11,212.40 <br />as recommended by Sheriff Robert Canaday. <br /> <br />Proposal for the Lease/Purchase of the Agri-Business Park <br /> <br /> Mr. Alvin Stanford, Cooperative Extension Director and speaking on behalf <br />of the Mid-Crescent Agri-Business Park Advisory Committee, reviewed the proposal <br />to obtain approximately 500 acres of Stonewall Training school property through <br />a lease/purchase agreement with the State of North Carolina for the development <br />of the Mid-Crescent Agri-Business Park. He asked the Board of Commissioners to <br />take over as lead agency in securing the property and establishing a lease with <br />the State. <br /> <br /> In order to proceed with the request, Mr. Witherspoon advised that the <br />Board would need to approve the lease/purchase proposal in concept and instruct <br />the County Attorney to draft a lease/purchase agreement to be submitted to the <br />State for approval. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Simmons, seconded by Commissioner Hamby and <br />unanimously carried, the Board approved in concept the following lease/purchase <br />proposal and agreed to follow the County Manager's plan in moving forward with <br />the lease/purchase arrangement. The Board further authorized the County Manager <br />and County Attorney to have the appraisals and survey completed, if required at <br />this time, and to use their judgement on the cost of this work. <br /> <br />LEASE PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br /> AND THE COUNTY OF CABARRUS <br /> <br />Length of Lease Purchase Agreement - 10 years with one renewal. <br /> <br />Cost of Lease Purchase $1.00 per year. <br /> <br />Property Involved State Qwned land at Stonewall Jackson Training School <br />consisting of approximately 500 acres (exact amount to be determined by survey). <br /> <br />Purpose To establish an agricultural park according to the guidelines in the <br />report "Findings and Recommendations of Governor Martin's Advisory Committee on <br />Agricultural Parks, January 1988." This park would be an economic hub for agri- <br />business consisting of a collection of firms located in facilities near each <br />other and devoted primarily to agricultural and agri-business activities. Park <br />business activities could include standard services such as the processing and <br />marketing of fruits, vegetables, poultry, livestock and the storage of stable <br />state commodities. It could also include farm equipment and input dealerships <br />and the precooling of perishable foods. The common element among park tenants <br />would be their participation as a link in the producer-to-consumer chain. This <br />concept would be sufficiently broad to include activities beyond the traditional <br />food processing notions. While processors may be one type of tenant in the park, <br />other important services and features should be included such as packing, <br />storage, trucking and brokerage. <br /> <br />Cost of Land Purchase Market price (to be determined by market appraisal). <br />Appraisal to be done by two State approved MAI appraisers. Average of the two <br />to establish price. County will pay for appraisal within the first year of the <br />lease/purchase. <br /> <br />Method of Operations Cabarrus County would own the lease purchase agreement. <br />Some type of board or authority would be established by the County to develop the <br />park for Cabarrus County. Under this lease purchase agreement, Cabarrus County <br />would be able to develop the infrastructure and sell the land to potential <br />business clients and repay the State of North Carolina the appraised market price <br />per acre. <br /> <br /> <br />